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THE PLAIN DEALER TUESDAY MAY 7 1963 32 Dr Arnold Morning Telegraph Consensus ALL aqueduct SPORTSMAN ASCOT Heads Ohio Commercial Trap Health Unit Nets Dwindling eggs Race Results and Entries 1 440 620 280 280 Plain Dealer Special Lone Candidate 280 360 aces Removal 6 460 110 107 2 122 122 114 6 114 118 MW 118 6 59: Helplc Mares fur: 3 Broadview 117 109 Bittenger charged with the £eceived in an auto crash QOsnnnn in rn from 6 1 Brown Ruler 10 1 Comet oot Band 109 1 114 This Scotch 106 Story home BIGGEST 119 6 up 117 119 YEAR 109 109 would be 114 Gay to ap within and was sentenced Etta's Pal vnnip in Mott DAYS! llte Slade Hanover Damon Gode lora 400 940 280 320 9 2 9 2 6 1 3 1 8 1 5 2 8 1 360 780 640 440 560 480 280 460 340 600 460 480 400 340 340 3 40 540 320 119 119 114 109 114 114 117 117 460 540 4 00 480 640 118 118 118 114 112 Youngstown Woman Set 300 320 54 0 460 560 860 220 300 420 240 340 320 400 240 2 fin Pep Cao 140 149 144 108 1 18 114 114 109 109 114 114 114 114 fur: 104 109 114 109 114 104 113 119 113 114 114 109 112 109 112 117 114 be no calling hours at the fu neral home and his attorney said no flowers were desired By LOUIS GALE Outdoor Editor 480 360 '300 540 121 109 109 Mighty Patrol (b) Sly Wager Scamparulla (a) Grey Gold 114 114 103 1 14 114 117 109 114 9 2 6 1 640 500 280 240 4 $0 330320 1 12 109 114 1 14 114 fur! 109 114 109 109 7 2 Geld Smith Taylor Dunwoody Hardy Ender Minniear Thomas Brink'hoff 240 3 60 340 Rous 260 320 260 2nd 400 680 560 Kin? 117 109 114 loa 6 1 8 1 9 2 3 1 8 1 6 1 260 300 300 Lucky 290 270420 Greek Devine Notre Cours Pensacola Jazel Kay Chicot County Hide Max Gay Admiral Safe Swap Hy RexJohn Coltrane (a Volunteer Stage fur: 11S 118 116 114 114 2 3 7 5 1 2 400 360 500 Jewel Brown 600 360 280 Lady 114 112 110 I YOUNGSTOWN Services will be tomorrow in Our Lady 2 12 unny 116 Match Point 112 Caronia 112 Grey Scandal 119 :700 117 119 Johns Quest Big Mill Stray Duck Dark Kevin Master Affair Luke Jr (aiTry Tom Lansing Lane Star Chance 114 112 109 114 380 420 380 3 3 1 3 5 3 3 2 4 stSt 1 3 2 6 4 2 7 6 3 109 Chalmoogra 114 Graceland 114 Snuffs Return 109 DETROIT SARATOGA SPRINGS Monty Woolley a i man who rarely to din but who gained fame on stage and screen as Man Who Came to died yesterday at the age of 74 Woolley succumbed in an Albany Hospital to kidney and heart ailments He had been there a month The veteran actor often called because of I his well shaped white beard and mustache was consid ered a landmark in this resort city his home for many I years although' he took little part in community life and seldom attended the races at the Saratoga Thoroughbred or harness tracks uneral services will be at 11 am tomorrow in Bethesda Episcopal Church here and burial will be in the local Greenridge Cemetery At Woolley's request there will 780 680 Man Jailed After Blaze in Hotel WARREN 0 Eighteen persons escaped yesterday as fire damaged the Carton Ho tel 204 Main Ave SW ire men said the blaze apparently was caused by someone smok ing in bed William room firemen said the blaze started was arrested on an intoxication charge when he was found wandering around the building without shoes? He pleaded guilty in munici pal court to 30 Zendt Gusman Bookmyer Welsh Cotrell Keeton Suus Robinson 8 1 10 1 6 1 380 340 340 Way 280 640 3 no Stinger 6 1 8 1 3 1 8 1 Mint Right At irst Extra Effort 3 40 Rurik Pony Elmer A McAdams Plain Dealer Special BUCYRUS 0 Services will be held at 2 pm today in the Wise funeral home here for Elmer A McAdams 801 a retired teacher and former maintenance supervisor in the Bucyrus schools He died yesterday in Com munity Hospital He was hos nitalized Aug 6 with injuries Huron Votes Today on School Bonds Plain Dealer Special SANDUSKY 0 Huron School District voters will go to the polls today to approve or defeat a $660000 bond issue Revenue at Utica NY for Mrs Rath er yne Lee MacDonnell 74 widely known musician civic and cultural leader here She died of a heart attack Sunday at the home of a daughter Mrs Philip Clark in Utica where she had lived since November Mrs MacDonnell was born in Norwich NY She was a graduate of Metropolitan Col lege of Music and taught in Norwich schools She was married in 1915 to Edward MacDonnell then head foot ball coach at Louisiana State University They moved here in 1918 when he entered the steel business 8 1 7 2 6 1 DETROIT Ketroki 20 Star Trail 7 a rgel Jr 6 Private Jone 14 Second Right 9 Eagon to Serve Army Engineers CINCINNATI UP) Herbert Eagon who was director of Department of Nat ural Resources for the last six years has been named co ordinator of water resources for the US Army Ohio River division engineers here it was announced Brig Gen Leber di vision engineer said Eagon would coordinate Army engi neer basin planning in the Ohio Valley with similar ef forts of federal state and 1A theft of $250000 in tires fro: a warehouse here Bittenger later indicted bj the grand jury pleaded guilty and was placed on probatu for two years near here McAdams was manual arts instructor from 1920 to 1930 at Bucyrus High School and returned in 1950 as a mainten a Jf ance supervisor reuruig 1960 He also was a widely known apiarist and served several years as Crawford County bee inspector Surviving are three sons two daughters two brothers and a sister Eottfed Th Scotland by Wm Sanderson Son' Ltd' Imported by Nations 1 Dist Prods Co NY Sole US Distrs Blended Scotch Whisky 868 Proof 5 1 5 1 6 1 START WEDNESDAY cl 4 yr Par Pai fl Gay airday Song Of Wine Riverside Gal Quaker Belle Billy Brier AS AN ACTOR his biggest success was as Sheridan Whiteside in Man Who Came to but he ap peared in many other plays and films He dined out infrequently Once he explained: i like to eat and drink with i He was best known here for his practice of having evening martinis at the coun try club and elsewhere It was his custom to read a classic as he sipped his drink His last Hollywood appear ance was as Omar Khayyam in in 1955 Retobado 2nd Landrover Shileen Vat 69 if it is unusually mild and completely satisfying too Enjoy this Scotch for tonight's pleasure You'll ask for it again tomorrow That's whyOne Scotch Stands Out Vat 69 Star Trail Burgel JrTrent Sister Retrola 300 740 580 480 Colonel Van 2 1 Elizabeth 10 Dark Kevin 4 'Grey' Gold 18 Sly Waker 13 A Bully 5 irst Edition 9 Chilly Pende 8 Gulistan 7 TOMBRE 27 PaPrty Snack 6 Glendale 4 light North 13 Brown Ruler 12 Comet 8 In Unison 3 9 Wandering Boy 12 lAnsing Lane 1 1 Chalmoogra 15 Challenged 12 Take Jake 7 in Springfield Plain Dealer Special SPRINGIELD 0 Elec i tion officials expect a light turnout for city com mission primary when one of five aspirants will be elimi nated The remaining four can didates will run for two vac ancies onjthe November bal lot MW 7 63 Springfield city commis president Waterman is the only incumbent seeking re election Others on the ballot willbe: Louis Valen tie and Leroy Husted both contractors Dr Karl Hertz head of the Witten berg University department sociology and Denver Briem employe at Wright Patter icn Air force base Election officials estimate he cost of the primary to iliminate the one candidate at $10000 to $12000 Members of the Clark County Taxpayers Association have questioned the candid acy of Briem for several months in an attempt to avoid the primary expendi Springfield's city charter adopted in 1914 provides that commission members not hold any other public of fice or employment except that of Notary Public or member of the state Briem has insisted that he would take office if elected but officials said that the validity of Briem holding of fice would be tested in the courts if he is elected 114i 109 109 114 115 Tom Bea 113 1 1 7 113 light North 2 106 Straight A SHE WAS PRESIDENT of the ederation of Clubs five years a member of the Park and Recreation Commission 14 years and chairman eight years She served as parilmentarian ofthe Monday Musical Club and treasurer of the Catholic Service League Mrs Mac Donnell also served on the Youngstown Planning Commission was a director of Youngstown Play ground Association and past president of the North Hill Child Study Club and Junior Newman Club She was on the YWCA education committee and was in charge of the division of the coun tywide tin can salvage cam paign Mrs McDonald is survived by two daughters Mrs Wil liam Snowden of Hyannis Mass and Mrs Clark and a son Dr Edward Mac Donnell Jr of Windsor Conn 300 Isle I Pride 117 Star Trust 114 1 vr Marcia Reale BluestaParty Snack 114 tWlnnin" Pitch 114 tship Romance 103 114 M'SelleMilL 114 2 4 3 3 2 3 6 4 4 7 3 1 760 420 260 220 300 420 320 500 I 220 220 220 Marble 6 3 8 5 8 2 4 5 2 2 1 4 2 5 8 5 5 3 6 4 4 114 Chilly Pende ilia T09 Soluk tun: 1 14 112 290350 260 280 380 Will 460 3 RO 360 mL 6 1 4 1 420 290 250 340 2 80 320 irst 8 7 7 6 7 4 7 1 5 4 6 2 9 8 2 11 7 2 112 fur: 114 118 113 000 mdns 2 yr 4 11 118 113 380 320 300 112 8 5 5 8 2 3 8 3 2 6 stSt 3 OS 6 4 3 stSt 8 1 7 Cond 8600 1 2 i 0 6 6 2 3 1 3 5 5 1 6 5 6 7 6 3 3 7 1 2 7 George Cody of Cleve land student committee lead er said he is trying to get 460 260 nn Natural Bid Guenies Some Meet Brass Tip Third Deck lddlen Claude Greek Charm Buckeye Breeze Another Take $3 Some Steed lying Duke Stage Music Allahgem Paper Mtche $3600 cl 3 yr 1 Sister 109 Dynamite Jr Lady lambette 109 Purple Perkins Lillie onofc Louplck 115 118 118 000 cl 4 yr up 6 114 114 Landrover 10 Shileen 9 Devil 9 Mar Mon 12 Tom Twist 1 1 Sunny ea 5iddlen 22 Third Deck 6 Bras ip 4 ormation 1 5 Victory 8 Allahgem 6 Little Shot 15 Purple Perkins 12 Dynamite Jr 6 "will Of Allah 16 aney rankie 9 Star rttit 7 Mr Tramp 16 Mark 9Nina's Drag7 ISPJDVIL 27 Other Brother 6 Mim Woodchuck 3 aster Evening 18 Papa's Mint 10 Chendrod 4 fur: 109 109 3 06 114 We're Delighted 140 Atos 140 Circle Imp 144 cl 2 yr mdns 5 Go Whoa Wtrhard laiDcep Thinker 1 1 Elaine Lougbran 11 (biCordillera 11 Shorco 11 cl up 114 Luke The Duke 109 109 serving is great what is it?" Woolley Dies Who Came to Walleye have stopped laying golden for Lake Erie commercial fishermen And this spring more commercial trap net operators have followed their money making into extinction Jerry Manz Sandusky district fish man agement supervisor for the Ohio Wildlife Divi sion yesterday revealed how disheartened Plain Dealer Akron Bureau KENT 0 The chairman of a Kent State University student committee protesting proposed state appropriations for the university said yester day the group hopes pear before the Ohio Senate finance uoniinmee the next two weeks George Cody of BUYS THE Circus Star BeUaire Boy Tous Les Tip Miss Clear cl 4 yr up 1 cactus jacKV ormation VictoryQuick Skirmish $2 JOG Haight Albertson Murnhy Shaffer Cottrell Zendt Maunln Brink'hf Cond $600 1 nans Zendt Sugg Scott Robinson errv Shafer Cond $700 1 1 3 0 BIPCK 280 2 60 240 Lal ti a ji a 115 Lovely Shayne 110 seldom 1 1 a John Monahan 115 an Lake Erie (a) Jacobs entry $3600 cl 3 yr 6 fur: Parma Pass The Deal JKitty Quick Hutsville $4800 all 4 up abt sreepiecnasei: noyai uaie Opposition Stentorian $3500 tur: Admiral Todd Coha gen (a)Smart Talk Polaris Boy Lost ihiKattv KiftV falJacobs BiPber entry (biStewart entry $3600 cl 3 yr 6 fur: Ankonv 114 Wish alling In Love 116 Three ingers jCrafty Cleo 107 Red Maid 11 9 nn 1 SIA JJuuu an uk Royal Endeavor 118 Wayward Minor 108 rr 1 fi LOgeriOWU J1O mjmiQm Good Oh 118 Zab $10000 all 2 yr 5 Disrespectful Inspirat ion Miss Twist Cheryl Sue $3700 cl 4 yr up 6 peewee vauey rangula Key Board $3800 cl 3 yr count Kegier Stamboul Party avor fjet Siege 340 600 5 no Walnut Guard Lady vvrigni Summit Opens Perjury Trial of Ex Deputies Plain Dealer Bureau AKRON 0 A Common Pleas jury heard opening statements yesterday after noon bv Prosecutor John Ballard in the perjury trial of two former Summit County deputies The ex deputies Robert Jlobinson and Robert orrest also are being tried on charges of obstructing justice Indicted last July 16 they have been free binder $1000 bond each MAY A third Akron man Samuel Magyar indicted at the same time for perjury has already pleaded guilty He is awaiting sentencing pending the out come of the trial Robinson and orrest al legedly induced Magyar to testify falsely before a grand jury Sept 28 1961 to exon erate a Tallmadge man Clay MAULETTE Skoronskl 3080 1320 SPORT TIP Lejeune 780 D1SGAY Broussard Onp Rwd Rraux Chpvaux Vakntine ibiCha'Meur laming Queen (DiBetty wood ibi Shave entry mi REGENT Lattarulo 2980 tawdhiCOUNTESS JUANA Sprftker (dh)COLONEL OVID Nt Snlrit Peace1 (atShipp's Hill Allsto Kirks Tali (a)Bowman entry (dhiDead heat for 2nd ml WAUKESHA Lejeun? 840 OX HOUND Mundorf CHALLENGE SHIP Miller Harmony Swing Phils Boy Boxing Whiz ruwenw raiKage iuwq Aqueduct Entries $3300 cl 3 yr up mdn completed their netting oper atings each day The eggs were then rushed to the divi sion owned Put in Bay hatch ery ERNIE MILLER veteran fish hatchery manager re ports that this hatch of walleye spawn shouldbe almost equal to last al though fess spawn was col lected About 10 million wall eye fry should be hatched at the hatchery this year All these fry will be stocked later on natural spawning areas in Lake Erie State biologists completed their month long survey of Lake Erie walleye spawning beds riday they found few er eggs than in previous years About 11 000 eggs were collected LARGE NORTHERN Paul Stypczynski of 9606 Plym outh Avenue Garfield Heights caught a near record great northern pike in Lake Aquilla Geauga County Dan Arm bruster District 3 fish man agement supervisor reported yesterday The pike weighed 12 pounds 2 ounces measured 39 V2 inches The fish was tagged July 26 1959 Then it measured 35 inches record for great northern pike is 12 pounds 5 ounces and 38 inches in length irst Diamond Hayes Bethelen Wilbur Dale Castle Bay ran Genessee Pact Alladin Ruda Grattan Lucky's Widower Dancing Cheetah Volo Tide Marilyn Meadow Jetina Star Pace Glad Rage Widower GoldHideway Pat Ann Counterpart Little Lady Marx Yankee Monticello Sky Mattie McKlyo Pace Cond $600 1 Marianne tiai Sudden Surprise Westfield Direct Jai Lai Man Claire Scot VnkM Grown Grand Miss Clever 8 3 5 Quick Sis 3 4 2 Did not finish irst start Only start Northfield Selections loyd Grey Diamond Way riAiH 3 Pennylind Imogene Hayes Country Dale Dream Up Sister Marie Yonder St ar Tiny Jim Sugar Volo Hopeful EUse Virgie's irst Castle Bay Diamond Alladin Lucky's Widower Jetina Little Ladv Marx Ann Counterpart Jai Lai Man Westfield Direct Sud den Surprise (Latest irst) Driver Odds 5 5 4 Albertson 10 1 cotreu Scott Gosman Lang Isom Aldrich uller 240 260 320 Manifest Destiny De Kell Trot Cond A Claim $600 1 luted according to post positions 5 Last 3 starts ejarftv Hanover Kate Jones (Sid Ax worthy (air Star (irey Sjade Hanover rrz wrT GrnrY SfiRO 1 avr Kew ni urn Bacner Black Bookmyer AdamsKy Altlzcr HOODS Hardy Monty Woolley AP Wirephoto The job is 'new cina Gen Leber said it was created to aid in developing the great est and best uses of water and its Jani related annlica lions 7 PC WOOLLEY NEVER mar ried He leaves a sister in law Mrs James Woolley of Saratoga Springs Among the pallbearers will be authors rank Sullivan and Charles Brackett long time friends who also maintain homes here Song writer Cole Porter and playwright Thorn ton Wilder also close friends were named honorary bearers The scholarly dignified Woolley became active in drama while at Yale where he received a bachelor of arts degree in 1911 and later at Harvard where he won a He was a drama coach at Yale before turning to Broadway as a director and an actor whose pose as a grouch led people to feel dis appointed if he did not insult them In 1929 30 he directed Million featuring Cole Porter songs Elia Scott Jtisugra Miss Eureka Champ Scot Diamond Way l6ra Gold Pacing Ace Dmon Gode Pace MAverick Dolly Symbol Imogene Hayes Bucky lame Melody Boy Diamond Dares Country Dale Pennylind Claiming Pare Studs $1500 nines $600: Sister Mane Bonnie Willow Dream Up Cassie DYonder Star Qxtepdnco Lady loyd' Pointer Pace Eflcr Jester Swahee Snpr Volo Queen's Glamour Mr Marion Star Hopeful Ellse Tin Jim Pace Tempered Shirley Texas Twister 12 ast Date 1 1 Bull Martrt 9 Kilty Quick 23 Pass The Deal 12 Parma 7 Delighted 30 Opposition 8 I tos 4 Polaris 32 Smart Talk 1 I DeepThinker4 alling In Lore 28 Crafty Geo 14G eorg I es Wish 67ab 24 Wayward Minor 8 Tynratam 7 CHERYL SUE 34 Grey Scandal 7 JTain unny 6 Key Board 22 ranrula 19 Mill 5 John Monahan 23 Jet Siege 9 Lovely Shayne 8 pnlcy stoneyland Star Chance Try Tom I Take Jake Challenged Gold Thumb Entries i S3 600 el 4 vr up 1 5 MasterGregary Devil irst Royal Rouge $3500 iur: Run GypsyMar Mon Little Dip flTom Twist Sunny Jean Seeoinesan $3500 cl 3 yr mdns 1 119 Planning Huge i Combined Studio HOLLYWOOD Columbia Pictures Metro Goldwvn Mayer and 20th Century ox titans of movie pro duction announce they are possibilities for construction of the biggest jnost modern motion picture and television production cen ter In the A joint statement called it most important an nouncement ever to come out $1200 dam ot Hollywood One source said the idea would be to combine facili ties to reduce overhead and obtain new equipment and sound stages would be like airlines working out of the same air he said It can be as sumed that under the propos al present studios of the three mammoths would be aban doned he added The joint announcement ad ded: The utilization of such center will not in any way af fect or alter the individual identity or autonomy of the Respective companies Ilndomilo 11 Stylish Kun 10 Tw evken 8 2 Shrewd lip 13 Tea Or Coffee 8 recker 7 3 Mr Paragon 15 Speedy Bee 6 Nedagon 6 4 Mr Pierpont 13 Challatat 7 Paul ry 5 5 Bob Adams 1 6 Taxedo ld 9 Im Available 6Pnara 15 The Start 5 DakotaBlue 4 ROYAL MO 26 Red Baby 5 Mede Nighter4 Miis 10 Big Sycamore 10 IUckory Dock 6 9 Repeal 17 Broken Step 8 High And Dry 5 440 380 420 360 500 Bayou Man COLUMBUS 0 bP) Dr Emmett Arnold of San dusky was chosen yesterday by Gov James A Rhodes to succeed Dr Ralph Dwork as state health director Dr Dwork who was health director under former Gov Michael DiSalle resigned April 7 to become assistant head of the Pennsylvania Health Department Dr Arnold was appointed Erie County Sandusky health commissioner and head of the Sandusky County remont health district in 1960 Rhodes said the new appointment would be sent to the Ohio Senate for confirmation as soon as Dr Arnold can leave his present offices Before taking his post in Sandusky Dr Arnold was health commissioner of the lQf Lourdes Catholic Church rreoie uouniy uarKe county Greenville health district Born in Diana Va Dr Arnold was graduated from the Ohio State University Medical School engaged in general practice in Columbus from 1930 1942 and was a major in the Army Medical Corps in World War II He is a member of the ex ecutive committee of the As sociation of Ohio Health Com missioners and a member of the Royal Society of Health of England The governor also an nounced the appointment of three members to the pub lie accountants administrative committee all for three year terms They are: Leroy Barnes of Colum bus Clinton Van Wormet of Toledo and William Boulevard Cleveland Heights? term starts Wednes day and the others Thursday and riday louis gale sion yesterday reveaieu now aisnediiuieu i commercial fishermen have become Only 999 trap nets 1 were licensed to operate in Ohio waters of Lake Erie this spring Last year there were 1566 In 1950 there were 8116 nets licensed for both spring and fall fishing Manz offers three reasons i for the drastic drop in com mercial fishing in Ohio waters ofake Erie irst is the change in fish population with thg virtually complete loss of blqe pike and or walleye Added to this loss of profitable fish species are the'higher cost of operation and increasing competition with other fish producing areas IJIE BIG TAKE of com mercial fishermen this spring Was made up of yellow perch Sfteepshead and catfish are shirting to show up in current Hauls The best commercial walleye fishing comparative ly light this spring is already over with now that the wall eye spawning season is fin ished Manz explains Sports fishermen who have been taking heavy strings of perch again this spring have a hint hope there may again be improved walleye fishing iniake Erie in years ahead Although there is a contin ued decrease in the number olwalleye present in Lake Enfe this spring co operating dmjmercial fishermen col lected 392 quarts of walleye egs milked from fertile wall es they netted These were turned over to state fish man agement personnel at dock hide when the fishing boats Northfield Entries Vanik Complains of Sugar Pricing Plain Dealer Bureau WASHINGTON Rep Charles A Vanik Cleve land yesterday charged with sweetening their pocketbooks by American con sumers In a House floor speech he said that despite Department of Agriculture reports that wholesalers retailers and in dustrial users of sugar have taken a healthy hedge against increasing prices by buying and stockpiling since 1962 they have not permitted the benefits of their prudence to trickle down to the con sumers He said that at local retail outlets the price of a five pound bag of granulated sugar has in the last 10 days jumped from 55 cents to 66 an increase of 20 isfinr Man Is Bound Over Plain Dealer Special YOUNGSTOWN A 28 year old man was bound to District Court in Cleveland yesterday after i firemen here uncovered a still Sunday while putting out a fire in his Squth Side home Henry Venable Jr was charged with possession of an unregistered still making and fermenting mash fit for dis i tillation in unauthorized premises and for possession of 2V2 gallons of moonshine The fire starting from the still in the basem*nt caused onrinff innrh A V14VI41 Cl uW CT Charles Schmitter has a hearing date scheduled foy been Michigan fencing an appearance before the coach since 1939 Ascot Results About A'i fur COL BOY Olivares 800 320 JIMMIE JR Herron 440 SUCCESSUL Weller Anagem Huntsdale Cap Mcrrlclt ind Buckeye Rose Caboodle 7 fur 1:29: MR POMP Manganello 820 JOE COLLINS Clark onMAV DA wiUr Joe Tucker bKia oir xusnutr Pennies rom Bully Beau DAILY Col Boy and Mr Pomp (3 2J paid 4 Vi fur :54: EDGIE WEDGIE Manganello 2700 WESTBREAK Brousseau sivun ei ww Moon Dream Black El ZeVs Scalieart Jet 4i fur :53: BLAtK Herron 480 PRECIOUS BREAK Mansanello (TNTP Glark Iowa Girl Trin Pocket Buckeye Beauty Gal Heart About 41 Iur :53: STAR MOOR Weiler 1400 PEN AND PENCIL Saumcil (rth)HOMECTEADER Olivares (dh)HATCHET Headley Way Deep Norwalk My Guy (dh 'Deadheat 64 fur 1:22: ROMAN SPY Herron 1020 NOBLE DREAM Sisum trr JOE niiVAVPR Mr Cool Intelligent Mr Tipovk Lepus Miss Natco Beacon 44 fur :52: BONNIE JUNE Manganello 700 SUN INCA atica qtyag RAYS Weier Que Pasa Goof Ball College Son BOX 7 fur 1:271 LUCKY BUDDY Sisum 1220 OUR CIRCLES Weiler mayynt RA Maneanello Moons Wave Hit Elovelark JI 1 A mi IIEL1OLATOR Weiler 420 260 LINCOLN Young 360 TATaT nsrAR Clark Sooner State Elude Show Boss The Lip 3891 TOTAL HANDLE Aqueduct Results 6 fur DUKE'S BABE Boland 640 410 WYTn GARGG DKen 1180 Resale Viro Wee Bonnie Lass Washakie Edmar Steve mi 1:37: BROKER'S LASS Schwizer 4170 1550 1070 MARSILID Sorrentino 840 570 STORY Valeri 1220 Estacada Dao mumper Lacy Manor Neverno And Lad's Luck DAILY DOUBLE Babe and Broker Lass (1 6 Paid $24850 ABT 1 ml (hurdles) a DEVILS OOT AitChesnn 980 370 240 MIELDOR Bums 360 260 RAO RAJA Murphy 240 Riazzino Greek King 2nd a Elabert a Stern Daffin Chebaco arm Ent 5 fur :59: SA VET Ussery 380 310 320 GALLATIA Pierce 1080 660 STRAW HAT Combat 740 ast Cookie Gloria Grey Leesburg A naruy My sneer joy 6 fur 1:1 IV UNCLE VERNON Ussery 44 O' a SILVERY LAD Rotz PROGRESS Gustlnes a wisp win bretta McCloskey Hat Dance a Red Oak Sta Weiss Ent man Ent 7 fur YOUNG CHICAGO Adams 2700 950 SWEET BRIAR Baeza 510 HITT55 GAf Rot? ast Luck Miss Royalea Gay Serenade sfsvKMH 1 mi KING TOOTS Hernandez SPANISH ORT Pierce Brave Wine Tropical Breeze Break Dilly Boy 2nd 1 mi BATTLE HELL Baeza 590 340 RONCEVALLES Ussery 310 ABERNATHY Woodhouse Raleigh Nita Dee Top O'Mark Gift Lucky One Carbreause Detroit Results 109 Dynamite Jr 22 Short Money109 John $3800 cl 4 yr up 6y4 win ui Aiian Triple Count Sugar And Cream irm Bruce lai ancy rankie HV Kill 4 $5000 cl 3 yr 6 Nina's Drag Mark Mr Tramp (a)Rose's Jewel laiVrtll $3700 cl 4 yr up 1 Challenge HanyStar Of Aries Espldevll Jim Lynn Tinted Joe Henry County VBlUen Ctahlfl WnlrV ismisiiup NINETH $3700 cl 4 yr up 1A UChendozod 116 Sultan's Robe 109 Social History leet Dancer AceEaster Evening Shileen Royal Rouge Sky Master are Paid Gay alrday Tom Twist Third Deck Brass Tip Some Meet lvlng Duke Some Steed Allangem LITTLE SHOT Dynamite Broadway Of Allah irm Bruce ancy l72lMr Tramp Radlonalre Mark 8 Anguar Rain Other Brother A laa Woodchuck Easter Evening Sultan's Robe Right At irst 10 1 5 fur CATCHEM Campbell 580 GOLDUS Barrow ONYX MAN Mafale Cabin Mary rroua owner inisv Billie Roche Anna Belle 5 fur BANDMAN Tauzin JU BET Camnbell BLACK NOTE Boucher Mr Scoot Red Shore Tempting Via Anoian RionillL Nn Hitch Brother Over Bout Paupers Princess jjAiEY iajublk: catenem ana man (y 21 paid $32 THIRD 6 fur 1:12: TIGER DAUMIER Van Hook 140 RED SMITH Coy SPRITE MITE ArtPrhurn 1 Cl A rl 1 az avava rvuuiu 1 loci a 1 1O1111C1I WOJ Space Lark Jet Susie Say Again Hin der Van Duout Jade Slipper and 70 yds TERRORIZE Holmes 760 BENHA Campbell ME N1X Arterbum ort Dearborn Rnval Tzink or Castlestone Got It All Round Circle Count Henry Orville Luzelle 5 fur :59: (b)WILLIE GREEN Barnett 360 SNOOCYAR Cov (aiOREVER ONWARD Johnson (b'Dearg Mr (a) Princess Style Jigger Boy Royal Emerald Juicy (aKosl ua eutiy luDijugr entry 6 fur SUNDAY SAILOR Campbell 460 HELRULLAH Vedilaeo AUNT BEE'S ROY CrrT One Dot Go Do It Ever Stormy lUfi 6 fur 1:11 SOL Barnett 4 20 DR SCOTT Craig DOUBLE SNTP Tarnnlwll Smoothness Tout Suit Le Due 6 fur WAR RADIANT VedHago 3200 1100 SUTIJU Craig 3 60 PRIMON Nicholson nappy Musn Singing River 6 fur INDIAN TRADER Cook 1760 640 REJECTED SON Craig 3 60 nmnc rrT 1 LIU LMU WL Mllt lUUIli 2 b(J Tlie Word Go Long Distance Branaino a aa Vi n1 a a ci 1 1 1 lie tXPvK 1 ml 70 ydj ClERGYMAN Tauzin 7:60 400 MOUNTAIN IRE Cook 480 BLUE GODDESS Campbell Chyme Shoplacerwln Tantruns Salmag Oo Doo Doo Results fur PAUL NOLAN Coffman 6 00 380 BARB STREAM Bonner 1140 KIRK'S MAN Lejeune Pdnnaee xr rank Zero Dorgla Army Boots Know It' 6 fur CAPPIES PRIDE Mundorf 1200 620 CALICHE Broussard 620 LOVE Wnlsuman Push Over Sam aywood Old Appeal riue Mvs vuy Buy Aum Classic Design DAILY Paul Nolan and pica Pride (8 9 paid $4320 4 fur CHARLIE Spraker 1400 MALTA Coffman GAME ROUSER Lejeune Idle Moon Wendell Lucky Loma Tregato 4 fur 47: CUANTEUR PINE Hanks 1600 DAD'S MEMORY Contreras worn QTTTIT Burton Tr Pacle Great Rattle 1 Sador Not or Hire Chuck Rullah Lady Burgoo 6 fur 1:21: HAIRSPRING Miller 700 500 HOME TOWN HERO Spraker 820 TViTinTP XTVTW Rlrnrnnkl Junior oil Show Man Bally Regale JZUUtJ IXtht OllCl Mr Jr 4 6 fur Miss cufrcxvibUe Gallimore 1320 OLICIA Ijeune nrrt mmMfD Miinflnrfr Big Tale Maid O'Steel illy Queen Ecky Sli fur 1:21: for real estate improvements and construction of additions to current buildings to pur chase furnishings and equip ment and to purchase a site The issue would run for 22 years at 14 mills A 60 af firmative vote is necessary to pass the bond issue Within the Huron School District are 2211 eligible vot ers' in the city of Huron 373 in Huron Township eight in Milan Township and 20 in 108 118 fur: 105 112 114 112 fur: 102 115 108 AClTTrnTTCT Bull Market Low Mark ast Date Kitty Quick Parma Pass the Deal were Delighted Stentorian Royal Dale Polaris Smart Talk Shorco Crafty Cleo Wish Three ingers TYURATAM Royal Endeavor Good 7 inspiration Cheryl Sue Miss Twist Kay Board M'Selle Ship Ro mance John Monahan stambloul Jet Siege Detroit Entries $2200 cl 4 yrs up silver ansy News RoomQuestal Meadowdale Har Lo Me $2000 cl 2 yr mdns iur: Second RightTransluck Vanned Miss Merle Sword Lancer Private Jones $2 Tournafulla Colonel Van Mortgageman Kholite Elizabeth $2 Phillip Roaring Beeai A Bully Boy Miss Meander fhiteflttnr (alBridge entry (biStump Lane arm entry $2000 cl 4 yrs up Just Buddy 114 Gulistan Executor Merry Epic Purple Star irst Edition $2000 cl Tumbre Pride Mr Glendale Lady robug $2000 cl 4 yr up 6 furj Dauraae Policy Trust Polly Molasses $2400 al 3 4 yr 5li fur: Cee cee Kay (ailn Unison Wandering Boy Gay Holiday Stoneyland (aiViar entry $2200 cl 4 yr up 70 yas: Gold Thumb Challenged 1 Barbellion 1 Take Jake i i Cllvav Danev Patmlfl Sword Lancer Gay Admiral Second 3 Mortgageman Dark Kevin Touma 1 AKRON 0 Three I U4 Grey Gold Scamparulla Kattor I yOUths Were bound tO the IRST EDITION Executor Soluk I Mr Glendale Party Snack Tombreq grand 1UV here yesterday Oil Comet oot light North iiibi uegiee niuiuei cnaigco in the robbery slaying last month of Joseph Wharton 61 Pleading not guilty in mu nicipal court the trio includes Milton Campbell Jr 20 and two 18 year olds Nolan Smith and Bennie Davis old who also con fessed to the crime rank Galvin was bound to the grand jury April 23 by Juve nile Judge Russell Thomas who ruled the youth should be treated as an adult Wharton was beaten and robbed April 8 in the 1100 block of ifth Avenue He died ten days later without cal agencies regaining consciousness 109 iRiVan Berg Entry ill Everetts Cynthia 114 Radionalre Always Mine (a)Swiftivy 117 109 Entry Anguar Rain (a Other BrotherSingapore Sling Mias Woodchuck (a) Lucky Genius alBW: Bl P' iUB Mm 1 Kti i 3 riam STeaKr Bureau Wk rJl 4 Lv fur: Texas Twister 114 Entedldo 124 (ajClowning 110 All Gall 120 (a i Observation 114 vNotable III 117 Crafty Lea 114 Bull Market 112 Big Boy Beam 112 Ripsaw 114 Low Mark 114 JJet Arrow 120 ast Date 114 1 7 5 Betts 5 2 1 3 4 Butt 3 1 5 5 4 Sowash 6 1 3 4 2 uller 5 1 7 2 6 Wilson Jr 6 1 7 8 5 Wingard 8 1 Cond $700 1 Jh: 9 3 1 Davis 8 1 4 7 6 Welsh 1U 1 1 1 1 Corbett 8 1 1 4 4 Betts 6 1 7 5 5 Conrad 6 1 4 2 2 Butt 3 1 3 6 2 Robinson 4 1 2 2 4 zendt 9 2 Cond $800 1 1 6 3 Sugg 5 2 3 1 5 Taylor 6 1 2 2 2 Arlcdge 8 1 1 3 6 Sowash 12 1 5 4 6 Aldrich 7 2 8 8 6 Shafer 9 2 3 2 2 Black 12 1 6 6 5 Zendt 6 1.
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