The Daily Times-News from Burlington, North Carolina (2024)

IN.C.V OAILY THUtSPAY, MFT. 27, PAGE SEVEN-IN YEARS (Continued Page One-D) hul before scbool let out, sucii as 25 divided by 2. plus 50. The late Wilbur Clapp would have found calculations easy. Lawrence vtas'seven years old when the name Company Shops wa changed to Burlington.

He remembers hearing of William F. Clapp. the first editor of the Burlington News, but a seven-year-old boy is always more interested popguns'and sling shots than reading newspapers, so he Idoesn't remember much about Edif tor Clapp in 1887. He does remember Wilbur Clapp and his store that was located on what is now West LARGE (Continued from Page One-D) less and reckless driving, J50 and costs; Kenneth Lamar Walters, improper muffler, nol prossed with leave, and facing, nol Alfonzo Brown, public drunkenness, $5 and costs; Gene Francis nJthp Basilica of' rs ccdin S- uilt James Po its doors on Lastcr litoS--(he him- 1 dredth anniversary of the year when, tradition says, the French To Buiid Catholic Church Below Surface LOURDES. Fvaice underground is being designed for this Catholic shrine town.

To anti one Virgin before 14-year-old havior, appeal bond $300; Jerry Oliver Wrightenberry, speeding $25 and costs; Donald Duane Bcrnadcttc Scmbirous. Since I Lourdcs and its spring have speeding, rial waived to i Court; Carl H. lapp, object of mass four gucpendcd Crippled and paralyzed persons eding and driving on wrong Street. He remembers hear- 1 have reporlccl cures from bathing slclc of roacl and osts Ai of the beautiful hand limbs in the spring bcrt Aycrs abandonment and non' no1 Passed with leave; The new basilica, 660 feet 0 1 no Passe i will accommodate 20,000 persons. I Claborn Capps, abandonment and ''flcsialic ano la authorities four months suspcnd- wrote, and what a wizard he was adding figures in his head.

The first editor of the Burlington 'E'-'flcsiaslic ano lay authorities News that Lawrence remembers i decided the underground con-jed five years on payment ol costs was C. W. Hunt. Editor Hunt sport- 1st met ion to preserve the beauty. 'and payment of $JO weekly joi ed a handlebar mustache and i of the scenery.

The structure will) support; whiskers, a style known as the tost about $2,850,000. "Imperial Beard." Lawrence said C. W. Hunt's father was a preacher, and he thinks he preached "at Brown's Chapel just west of Elmira Cotton Mills now a unit of Burlington Industries. As we continue our People's Forum George Sellars, failure to pay alimony, pay costs, pay $75 im- i mcidialcly and $6 weekly until caught up: Arthur Lcc Toncy, nonsupport, 30 days suspended on payment of costs; Alvis G.

Jiill, abandonment and non-support, nol prossed with leave; Norman Dix- abandonment and non-support, EXPRESSES ORGANIZED LABOR UNION POINT OK.OPERATION my friend from Richmond recalled: 01 Jine a the editor had one CC(S long intcirup ,011 prosscd: llobio Patterson, non- Irma. Editor Hunt, he 1 lh a Ol six months suspended bcred, lived where the late Sid i ricv 0 1 7" Crc ar 5e ult five years on payment of costs Horn's widow now lives on Ireland! I J' 1 1 Cati olma ca a oomj 'and $30 weekly for support; Jim- strce( into the overall i Lce Woocl) bastardly, six i a i cconomv. He said Hunt had one brother by Orilanizcd labor i i the name of Marvin Hunt who was Lee Wood, i months suspended five years on payment of costs and payment of me ucmie ui iiiai i I I I nu I i -B Dlumber, and worked in Greens: imnrovP i 510 wcckly for SUpP rl: boro He recalled that Mr a ol 1L1 a dl TM. pl Terrell, abandonment a itv.ji«.u tiiat or members. i ml nf a nrp- sold out his newspaper and moved d6cs Ulc illd i ia member of a sclvcd aHa com on of a pic is family to Charlotte.

C. W. Hunt i a O1 gaili a ion i frnm sol his sold the Burlington Nesvs to O. V. i benefit i unionism, but the vhole commu- Crowson in 1893, I informed him.

tv in 7CIIC ra i The mention of the two frame whenever becomes necbssarv store buildings that John Q. Gant! i anv built on the corner of hast Davis; a organization 0 call a strike, and Spring Street brought to i ssuei a very carefully ex- friend's rememberance thc office onx uu debated Strikes are and press room of C. W. Selri6il nflt Thc mention of these buildings a i by a i u-htly Each refreshed my memory of my child: i a member is given a chance hood days. lcar a)1 (trc-issues in dispute 1 went to school in one of those a strike vote is a store buildings for a few months strikes arc not called by the big in the early part of 1901.

Miss Rosa i aboi busses, as -o many people Sutphin taught a select group of arc i a(t Ol but rather children, including Bertha Holt. Co-; by indivfrhial members rinna Gant. Helen J-Iall, Edwin, i ijmlcr the law, everyone has the Russell and Irene and and Almeda Mary, and myself. We were a select few, but by no a who i your milk, stretch of thc imagination wer-e i i a who wired your home, angels. The older girls ate candy ihe i a behind the big geography book.

washer, a i oi'u younRcr girls whispered amoim in i i i i i So you a CHILDREN (Continued from Page One-D) canned and powdered milk is dis- tributed either by a member of i the Service League or by a local wholesale grocer. arose. Thirty applicants were rc- 1 turned to the Welfare Deparl- menl for further invest The amount of milk given i family had to be reduced, in many cases, powdered milk was recommended in order to meet the emersc-iicy. The United the situa- i Cecil Gant, i ht to be represented bv a labor i Fund llcl l' ecl rcil thcf ltua Grace Sutphin. Edson union.

Labor unions are "made up! i i a spccia i a TM a Carr, and my sister, from everyday people emergency funds, but, even so neighbor on ihe corner, your milk i cascs could not bc SCl iced. Last: year Gli families benefited from i agency of the United A a of 12.210 a of loo frpsh i and II.Mi cans of thcmslcves during classes. And-we- i a i i CDniixiM'd of people' i disiribult-d. Hy kept ourselves awake by i I all i ing pins in each other when Miss No i a a i Rosa wasn't looking. when i i they a In this same building a slood i i i i I Ihin.y.s upon on the same spot where May i i i a v.urk'.T.s a are morial Library stands now, a a i a i i roncc Willis tried his hand as press-, i i a worker's have i man for Mr.

weekly news-. under the a 'to harsain collec-i iaper. He remembers operating i and ii' necessary, call a press by hand. "It was a biK i i for a boy to run," recalled Law-; Strikes aro very costly, rcnce, "and I did nol last long be-: when you slop in i of all i I gave out." So, a is benefit.s you a i by near Lawrence Willis came to i a i i thr items a 1 ig a newspaper man or job print- you. tin.

1 i i i i a worker is cr. titled, and Ihe things a i i About the time of the Spanish-: benefit hiliirc- n-rutions, American War (Congress i is only hi.s demo- milk tembcr of i year, 71 families received i a of fresh i ti.TliH cans of milk and 49 boxes of powdered i Comparing those figures yon can see inci-cased deiiiand the -Milk Fund agency of United Fund has had this year. The i luis come to support Ihe i Fund's work for lf)57. Your support of United Fund-Hed Cross Campaign, from October to November 3. will place i in thc hands of children wiio neod it.

desperately. NEW 1956 An A i a safari group of nine 'tourist explorers" requires a was a a i Spain on A i 25. a i to obtain only what staff of 25 experts (o accompany 1398), Lawrence got a job with La-. is antl fayette Holt firing the boiler, oil-: The a is used for ing the engine, and doing odd jobs, strike relief is money a the in the machine shop and foundry, i i i a member has set aside Of course, Lafayette Holt dichi't into a fund to. uscT-Hi-eritical times the small power plant as these.

Contrary" to all the ly 'to Lawrence Willis, who was in statements a have been made teens at that lime. All the boy a i money must, be paid back- engineer had to do was to follow lo 'he labor unions, i money instructions: keep plenty of water belongs to each individual union in thc boiler, a hot fire i'n thc i'urii-'nienibc-r. i does not have to bc ace, about 100 pounds of a anu i i i back. A a i money a i i a fund by ihe indi- i a if hi: chooses lo use it v.hilc on a is his li. i i 1'OJinx i watch the engine to see a it i run away and see a i none jif the bearings squeaked or got If anything went wrong with i boiler or engine, Lafayette a "Johnnie on the spot" and knew what to do to avoid an accident.

Lafayette Holt, besides being a the century. good machinist and metal "Bill Karl was the iron moulder, knew more about a steam always inspected cupola be- and boiler than James Watt, it was fired up. Well, one day man who invenled them. Quite a while he was in the furnace inspcct- few improvements had been added, ing it, filled up Uic pics with to boilers and engines since and run and turn the day, and there was where a a a on. Well he was the blackest' ette had the advantage of Ihe a i yon ever Earl ran inventor.

Lafayette was also a very me for a half if he had ingenious engineer. i caught me 1 lie would have As an example of Mr. Holt's in-1 given me a good blacking. Mr. Holt cenuity, inslead of allowing Ihe ex-1 was a good man to work for," he "must sleam from his engine to mused.

TV AT 21" PRICES! escape to the atmosphere during Lawrence left Burlington in the the winter months, he turned it into fall of 1000 and went to Greensboro. the heating coils in his machine i In VK15, Censor and Moser Cone shop. started Revolution Cotton i Cast iron shaving from north of Greensboro. Two or lathes and planers he saved three years a they i Proxi- in his cublow, but I mity nearby and by 1'JOO they were second i expanding both mills. That caused and meJled suitable for melting a time were put on- the a demand for brick masons.

Law-' sidewalk in front of his shop. Those heard of thc high wages i steel shavings rusled and fused i masos wnrrc i in a EClher, and covered the mud i a Greensboro, so-he decided Sir Walter Raleigh's coat. i lie would try his hand laying brick pleased thc people of East Burling-! He worked in Greensboro for ton as much as the coal pleased! eight years and learned the trade, Queen Elizabelh. Lafayette II 1 I He worker! at the brick-laying trade 'didn't have anything to waste. a long as he could stand il was working for him a a ing is a back-breaking job.

ettc Holt) at the time of the Span-i He is now i i in Richmond, American War and the time i and years ago he received his! you look big snow came in February of "Gold an honorary lokenj i899. We all nearly froze. I the union presented him for being! "As you say," continued Law-ia half-century i a a 1 rcnce, "Mr. Holt was a fine me- 52-year membership, giving him chanic. He had Uvo daughters and two years to spare.

I think they went to the Episcopal I Since his retirement he picks up School (Lafayette had three a some extra sharpening ters going to thc Episcopal Parish i bricklayers hammers and chisels, School in 1899, Nerta, Annie and and he has a name of doing a good Mamie). (job on the tools. His face beaming with A it has been 56 years cent satisfaction he continued: ''I since Lawrence Willis vvorked in EXCLUSIVE DYNA-POWER CHASSIS gives movie-clear Costs as little as half as much to operate Parts last up to 10 times longer Powerful built-in antenna Handsome cabinets in mahogany 01 blonde finishes can name the men he worked in his shop: Emmet'Petty, Bob Hatch, Ed Marlette, Bob Sykes. Mr. Evans was his moulder in the foundry (Bill Earl took Mr.

Evans' place Lafayette machine "shop, he has a very vivid recollection of the lay-out and how the building looked from Webb Avenue. He mailed me a floor plan and a in the foundry later lhat a front elevation which he sketched Lawrence also mentions a memory. Robertson as one of his fellow Lawrence Willis also mailed me workers during his stay with phdograph of himself as a young fayctte Holt from 1898-1900. a in i lie said old "Mention is made of Dr. Pat friends would rocomiixc him better Nccsc.

Just aboul this lime in.y the picture taken 15 odd vears Uie smallpox was raging, and ago. 'Ncese said it was not. Of coin-so, J. Lawrence i i is Well, nearly every one was scared' happily "hifirricd, and lias been 'or to-death, years. Ho married the former VLawrcnce tells of playing a trick Clara Grimes of i on Mr.

Earlc, a moulder who took and they have a son and a daugh- Mr. Evan's place near the turn of per. i Hk ANTENNA and 3NSTALLATION on Strnt'ohf Sole HOME APPLIANCE STORE Kim St. Court Square Dial N. C.

five years on payment of costs and payment of $50 each two weeks support; Herbart Stanford Jones, failure to pay 'alimony, payments increased to $35 each two weeks until account caught up; James Ed Ivey, non-support, four months on the roads to be served after Ivey, 'two charges of non-support, 10 months on the roads to be yious senieuee for failure to reimburse the. Welfare Department for support of bis children; Rudy Thaxtou, false pretense, dismissed; Waiter TroUinger, assault with a deadly weapon, not guilty; Gar- laid larceny, probable cause found, bond $300 Dee Moore, assault deadly weapon with intent to kill, nol pressed with leave, and operating a 'bawdy house, nol prossed with leave; W. C. Kelly, public drunkenness, nonprossed, and assault on a female, B. C.

Tranburger, assault with a deadly weapon, not guilty; M. D. Riddle, worthless check, 30 days suspended on payment of $10 'and costs; thamp Stanfield; assault with a deadly weapon, four months suspended on payment of $25 and costs, $20 medical expenses and $18 for use by 1 sie Isley; James Theodore Crisp, assault on a female, 60 petided on payment of $20 and costs; George Lewis Eastwood, larceny, nol prossed with leave; B. J. Cooper and Dan Wood, assault, each taxed with costs and placed on six months good behavior; June Yarborough, assault, costs and $13 for 1 Freeman Miles, sppeal bond $300; Leroy Toraiii, assault on a female, costs; Helen Torain, trespassing and assault with a deadly weapon, 30 I days suspended on payment of costs and two years good behavior; Dorothy Torain, damaging personal property, 30 days in jail suspended on payment of costs and payment of $7 for Lcroy Torain; Howard Graves, larceny, six months suspended on payment of costs and payment of $20 to Henderson Davis.

Home Appliance Storeof Graham September Clearance Sale of Big Trades Big Discounts-Come And See No Reasonable Offer Refused Unreasonable Offers Considered REMEMBER-We Will Not Be Undersold Or myrtle buy of a lifetime- We're passing our savin WE'LL 200 BRAND NEW for your old refrigerator as trade-in on this KELVINATOR REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER COMBINATION I Yours TM-FROZEN NEWEST RAD1RNT OVEN ELEMENTS! HUGE FULL-WIDTH Mod.l KRZ-34 Storage Drawer Kelvinator 15 Cu. Ft. CHEST TYPE EVERYTHtW YOU'VE EVER DREAMED OF IN A REFRIGERATOR, AT A PRICE YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO PASS UP! Regular $379.95 Jusf In Time For Storage from the Garden UP TO 200.C9 ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR OLD Regardles Of Condition On This Keivinctor Food a ra ma We Have Several Used Electric Appliances We Have Taken In Trades Refrigerators Ranges Washers From 29.95 UP Open Nights By Appointment "We Service Everything We Sell Court Square Elm Graham, N.C. Air Conditioned Dial 7443.

The Daily Times-News from Burlington, North Carolina (2024)
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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.