"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Who is Clinton County Ohio named after?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"The county was named for George Clinton, the US vice president in 1810 when it was formed."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What county is Wilmington, OH in?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Official Website for Clinton County Ohio - Wilmington."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What district is Clinton County, Ohio in?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Ohio's Second Congressional District | U.S. Representative."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What was Ohio originally called before it was Ohio?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"The Northwest Territory originally included areas previously called Ohio Country and Illinois Country."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Who gave Ohio its name?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"OHIO: Iroquois Indian word meaning the river of the same name. \"beautiful river,\" taken from the river of the same name. OKLAHOMA: Choctaw Indian word meaning “red people.\""}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Why is it called Cleveland Ohio?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Named after General Moses Cleaveland, the City of Cleveland was incorporated in 1836. Aided by its proximity to rail and water routes and natural resources like iron and oil, the City of Cleveland served as a central hub for industrial growth, commerce, and trade throughout the 19th and 20th centuries."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What major city is in Warren County Ohio?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Mason city, Warren County, Ohio."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What cities are in Guernsey county Ohio?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"- Includes population statistics, apprisem*nt of 1853, insets of Claysvill, Cumberland, Cambridge, Washington, Ohio, Hartford, Winchester, New Gottengen, Antrim, Londonderry, Middletown, Fairview, Senacavill, Salesview, Millwood, and Centreville."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is the sales tax in Clinton County Ohio?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"The minimum combined 2024 sales tax rate for Clinton Cnty, Ohio is 6.75%. This is the total of state, county and city sales tax rates. The Ohio sales tax rate is currently 5.75%. The County sales tax rate is 1%."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What towns are in Hocking county Ohio?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"
Carbon Hill
Murray City
Hideaway Hills

The Clinton County Democrat from Wilmington, Ohio (2024)


EAST BOUND. WEST BOUND. No. No. 1114 due 3:36 a.m.

due 5:46 a.m due 4:21 a.m. No. due 8:23 a. No. due 10:08 a.m.

No. due 4:08 p. No. due 10:16 p. m.

No. due No, due p.m. Sunday only. Daily except Sunday. Daily, Band Concert every Tuesday night.

The public ottices and banks will be closed on Monday, July 5. Sabina people were in Wilmington last Thursday afternoon with a band, advertising their coming Chautauqua. There will be a union patriotic service at the Friends church Sunday evening, July 4, at 7:30. Sermon by Rev. Henry Brandt.

The following are unclaimed letters in the Wilmington postoftice for the week ending June 26: Ethel Ker, Opal Moore, I. F. Kearns. Messrs. Brown and Compton, who for about two years have operated a garage, have dissolved partnership and Mr.

Brown will continue the business alone. Mr. Compton has not yet made detinite plans for the future. Mrs. Chas.

Harner died suddenly at her home near Waynesville last week from apoplexy. She is survived by her husband and three children. Horace Compton, of New Burlington. is a brother. City officials of Greentield who recently visited Wilmington to view our paved streets said in their report that "some very fine streets were inspected in Wilmington." They were of the opinion that the Athens brick showed to fine advantage in comparison with others examined.

More than 750 persons attended the picnic of the Dayton Power Light Co. employes at Kilkare Park last Tuesday. A handsome gold watch was presented to President F. M. Tait.

Individual box lunches prepared at the Phillips House were provided by the company. Mr. Jeannot has on hibition at his office an interesting photograph of the event. Rev. Isaiah Villars died at bis home in New Lenox, on June 12, from heart disease, aged 76 years.

He is survived by two brothers and two ters, Alfred J. Villars, Seattle, Eli H. Villars, Clarksville, Miss Mar. tha Villars, Wilmington, and Mrs. Fanny Losh, Blanchester.

He was for three and a half years chaplain of the penitentiary at Joliet. Mrs. F. M. Wegman had a narrow escape from a serious accident last Wednesday afternoon.

With her mother, Mrs. J. W. Wire, she was driving in a runabout and at the Friends church corner the horse stumbled and fell, pitching Mrs. Wexman over the dashboard on to the fallen horse.

By. standers extricated her from her gerous position. Neither she nor the horse were hurt, except that Mrs. Wegman is still affected by the nervous shock of the fall. The management of the LaMax ater has generously offered the Civic League the profits of the picture show "Little Miss Brown," on the evening of Thursday, July 8, and it is hoped that all the friends of the League will make it a point toattend.

The League treasury is in need of funds and a large attendance at the performance, the program for which has been carefully chosen, will be a pleasant way for all to pass an evening and will matertally assist the ladies of the league in their good work for Wilmington. Admission 10 cents. Minnie Farren entertained the Miss Six and Twenty Club at the Library on Friday afternoon. The spacious museum made an interesting meeting place for the club and large number of invited guests. Mrs.

T. M. Burnett led on Leonard Merrick's "When Love Flies Out o' the Window," a story of stage life in London, Paris and New York. Mr. Merrick is said to be the idol of literary critics, but popular success has been slow in coming to him.

Mrs. Burnett's review of the book was witty and comprehensive. Miss Farren, assisted by Mrs. F. 0.

Whinery and Mrs. C. E. Nichols, served a tea. The room was decorated with roses and Miss Cleta Williams presented clusters of pink Ramblers as favors.

Miss Kathleen Riggs, who has made her home with Mrs. Jos. Noon on Spring street since last fall, died at Dr. Kelley Hale's hospital on Wednesday from the effects of an operation, aged 58 years. Her home had previously been in Dayton.

Funeral services were held at the Arthur undertaking parlors Thursday afternoon, and on Friday the remains were taken to Middletown for interment. During her brief residence is Wilmington Miss Riggs had by her cheerful, helpful nature attracted many friends to herself. Her only relative is a widowed sister in California, and her trunk was packed preparatory to leaving for Dayton the day her death occurred, with the intention of going at once to California to reside with this sister. On Saturday afternoon, June 26, Rev. Henry Brandt, at his residence, united in marriage Alvin Karo Spurgeon and Miss Mae Elizabeth Lemon, both of Wilmington.

The tire department made a quick run last Friday to the home of Jacob Hunt. A blaze in the roof, caused by a defectixe flue, damaged the property to the amount of $100. James Keefe, was taken suddenly ill with appendicitis 00 Friday, and on Saturday morning was operated on at Dr. Kelley Hale's hospital. He is recovering nicely.

At a meeting of the school board last Thursday evening Mrs. Alice Jackson Hale and Miss Edith Johnson were employed as teachers in the Wilmington public schools for the ensuing year. L. A. Wysong suffered a badly sprained leg as the resuit of running to make a train in a Kentucky town one day last week.

Though the injury is very painful it is not considered serious. Louis Dabe, a lineman employed by the Clinton Telephone company, has a fractured wrist as the result of a blow from a hammer, which one of the other workmen accidentally dropped from a pole. In addition to the address by Hon. M. R.

Denver at the dedication of the government building at Xenia on July 5, Hon. S. D. Fess and Postmaster Orr will speak. The afternoon will be given up to sports.

Ross Davis met with a painful accident Sunday. While he was working with an automobile at his garage the machine back fired and exploded, the flames enveloping one of his hands, burning the hand and arm badly, though not seriously. Chas. Gallagher went to Loveland Monday to take charge as trainer of a stable of trotters and pacers. Mr.

Gallagher has trained race horses at the fair grounds the past three years, and is considered a successful trainer and driver of fast horses. Henry Stoddard fell, missing a chair in which he was just about to be seated, at his residence on West Main street Sunday of last week and suffered a badly sprained hip, which on account of his age and feeble condition it was feared for a time would prove serious. While not improving as rapidly as hoped for it is not thought that the injury will have serious results. Mrs. Harry Foulds, 52 years of age, died suddenly from heart disease at her home on Walnut Hills Friday evening.

She was formerly Miss Jane Willard, daughter of the late Judge Willard of Washington C. and was known to many Wilmington people. She is survived by her husband, her mother, a sister, Mrs. Ben Faris. of Cincinnati, and a brother, Herbert Willard, of Hutchinson, Kas.

She was a member of the Walnut Hills Presby. terian church many prominent woman's organizations in Cincinnati. Miss Sarah Chism died at her home on Doan street Thursday, aged 64 years. She is survived by three sisters, Miss Matilda, with whom she shared the home. Mrs.

Marlow and Mrs. Clark, and a brother, Thomas Chism. Miss Lizzie Chism has resid. ed with her aunts since childhood and given them the affection and care of a daughter. Funeral services were held at the home on Saturday, conducted by Rev.

E. R. Purdy, and music was furnished by members of the Friends church. Many friends were in attend- ance. Dr.

H. K. Bailey was called to Sligo Wednesday afternoon by H. J. Hover, of Cincinnati, owner of a dog kennel, and who was taking a fine bred French poodle to Hillsboro where the dog had been sold.

It was reported that the canine had acted strangely and had tried to bite Mr. Hover. Dr. Bailey hurried to the scene and found the dog along the road side. The animal was afflicted with rabies and was shot immediately.

It is remarkable that Mr. Hover was not bitten by the dog. There are several from this county now taking treatment at the Pasteur Institute, and a number of mad dogs throughout the county have been killed. One cannot be too careful this time of the year. Junior Contests Favored by Governor Willis at Piqua.

Governor Willis was principal speaker at the Corn Boy's Reunion, Piqua, Ohio, Saturday, June 12. Addressing a large crowd he came out strongly in favor of the Junior Contest work as promoted by the Agricultural Commission. He declared that any rumors to the effect that he was opposed to this work were absolutely false, that he favored and encouraged same before he was governor and that he still urged and encouraged them. When he was Congressman he had himself offered and paid the expense of the boy who had in his grown the most corn on one acre district. Governor Willis took active part in the state spelling contest which was one of a series of contests for Ohio boys and girls this year.

The governor urged boys to into the game and to win a victory at some game worth while. Robert Baker spent last week with relatives in Pittsburg. H. O. Merkle, of Blanchester, was in Wilmington on Monday.

Fred Schell, of Xenia, spent Sunday with Wilmington friends. Gus. McDermott and Joe Murphy spent Sunday in Cincinnati. Russell Wellert and Louis Dabe spent Sunday in Blanchester. Miss Charlene Riley was hostess to the Yani Club at its last meeting.

Mrs. Brent McCoy spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Selz, in Dayton. Mr. and Mrs.

R. J. Lacy and Prof: O. J. Peeling motored to Xenia Sunday.

Miss Ethel Hawkins, a teacher In the Kendalville, schools, is at home. Mrs. A. L. Smith and son, of Mis.

souri, are guests at the home of S. G. Smith. Rev. A.

T. Cowgill preached at Waynesville, a former pastorate, 00 Sunday. Miss Ethel Baldwin Atwood, of Mt. Vernon, is the guest of Wilmington relatives. Miss Rhena Vandervort, of Yellow Springs, was in Wilmington the first of the week.

Rev. J. M. Cosby, of West Mansfield, visited the past week with Wilmington relatives. C.

A. Bosworth and son Charles, of Cincinnati, were in Wilmington part of last week. M. E. Painter and family spent Sunday with Mr.

and Mrs. E. E. Gram at Yellow Springs. Miss Ettie Allen left Tuesday for Chautauqua, N.

where she will spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Jackson, of Madeira, Ohio, spent Sunday with Wm. Mann and relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Foland and son John were registered last week at the Pacitic exposition.

Bryant Hadley, of Clarksville, was united in marriage to Miss Ruth Hanco*ck in Cincinnati last week. Frank Gallup, Harry McKay, Carl Bangham and Harry Crary are in Cleveland this week on business. Mr. and Mrs. J.

G. Hiesy and Mr. and Mrs. Will Hockett, of Dayton, were Sunday guests of Miss Jennie Johns. Prof.

J. H. Painter has been re-employed as principal of the Steele High school at Dayton, salary $250 per month. Tasso Morgan has returned from Swarthmore, where he is taking an advanced course in mechanical engineering. Mrs.

Geo. A. Steen and children, of Akron, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Steen's parents, Dr. and Mrs.

A. J. Williams. Hon. W.

H. Guyton, of Lima, assistant secretary of state, was the guest over Sunday of Hon. C. Q. Hildebrant and family.

Miss Frances Edgar entertained with a Kensington Wednesday afternoon and on Friday afternoon with a bridge party. Homer Bussey has heen appointed a teacher in the Hillsboro High school. He is spending the summer at the Chicago University. Mrs. H.

H. Eavey is entertaining Mrs. Lucy Perfect, Miss Ora Perfect and Mrs. Nellie Gager, of Huntington, W. Va.

-Xenia Herald. Mrs. Robt. C. Hockett (Ruth Fristoe) is now with her husband on the Pantages vaudeville circuit.

She pears in a dramatic sketch. Miss Virginia Collett, who has been visiting in Harveysburg, is now the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Helen Harris Peterson, in Spring Valley. Frank C. Oren graduated from Swarthmore in the class of 1915," having taken the course in political economy.

He is now on an extended eastern trip. Mrs. Arthur Leonard entertained a company of friends Thursday in honor of her sister, Mrs. Harry Stilwell, of California. There were several guests from Xenia.

Harry Phillips and wife have ed to the farm at East Monroe occupied for the past year by Mr. and Mrs. Don Simmons, who are in Wilmington for the summer. The motor trip of Mr. and Mrs.

Geo. W. Moores with Washington C. H. and Akron relatives, will take them as far east as Norwalk, where they will visit a nephew.

Mrs. Mary P. Walker and Miss Louise will shortly join Dr. and Mrs. tin Robinson, of Baltimore, in' a cottage on the Maine coast which they have taken for the summer.

Peter Clevenger, accompanied by Mrs. Frank Baker, is on an automobile trip through the West, her objective point being Iowa, where she will visit Miss Etta Fairchild. The S. Q. S.

Olub enjoyed a picnic at the home of Misses Bess and Alice Carey Wednesday. Miss Adonis Leinin. ger, of Hillsboro, and Miss Bennett, of Greenfield, were guests of honor. Persons and Society. Mrs.

D. B. Van Pelt and Mrs. Robt. Robinson and two fine little sons are guests of Wilmington relatives and will visit in New Vienna before returning to their home in Dayton.

Miss Esther Doan's luncheon in honor of Miss Hazel Moore last week was a very pretty affair. Twenty young ladies were present. The home was a bower of Dorothy Perkins roses. The many friends and relatives in Clinton county of H. A.

Lowes, of Hartwell, and Miss Martha Harvey, of Columbus, learn with pleasure of their approaching marriage, which will I occur on July 17. John A. Clark and family, of Westerville, and Mrs. Thos. Clark, of Xenia, were guests of the Misses Clark over Sunday.

On Tuesday Mr. Clark left for Atlantic City to attend the Anti-Saloon convention. Mr. and Mrs. A.

A. Linton, Missing Ethel and Arnold Linton motored to Chillicothe, Newark, Columbus and Lancaster last week, Miss Ethel remaining at the latter place for a visit with her aunt, Mrs. Ida Hyatt. Miss Florence Conner, of Jeffersonville, is on an extended western trip and expects to spend the month of August with Miss Georgiana Brown in Los Angeles. Miss Conner is principal of one of the grade schools of Chicago.

At a floral party given by Misses Marguerite and Mary Todhunter Saturday evening the engagement of their sister, Miss Ruth, to Willard Stowe, of Highland, was announced. The wedding is to take place in October. Both are graduates of this year's class in Wilmington College and are highly esteemed by those who know them. Mr. and Mrs.

L. W. Lacy and members of the Lewis family of Sabina attended the marriage in Jeffersonville last week of Chas. C. Taggart, youngest son of Mr.

and Mrs. S. M. Taggart, and Miss Flossy Straley. At the bride's table at the wedding supper were her four grandparents.

The young people will reside in Geneva, where Mr. Taggart is a teacher in the High school. The linen shower given Tuesday by Mrs. R. U.

Stumm for her niece, Miss Anna Smith, whose marriage to Otus Smith, of St. Petersburg, Fla, will take place July 21, was a very pretty party. Mooreheim was beautiful for the occasion with a profusion of daisies and Dorothy Perkins roses. After a period of pleasant social intercourse a delicious luncheon was served. The tables were adorned with roses and a large basket of roses formed the centerpiece on the guest of honor's table.

Each of the dainty More Pleasure On your outing trips. Use an Icy- Hot. Bottle; keeps liquids either hot or cold for hours, $1 50 to 84 50. GET IT AT Brown's Drug Store painted place cards bespoke some chapter of Cupid's romance. During the course of the luncheon a number of favorites among the songs of sentiment were given on the Victrola.

At the beginning of the luncheon the guests drank a toast to Miss Smith, and at the close Mrs. W. W. Savage read an original poem to her, expressbeautifully the best wishes of her friends. The presentation of the gifts, many beautiful linen pieces, was uniquely made, Cupid, in the person of little Winifred Minnie Marbet, bringing them in in a daisy cart.

Two Boys Free Trips to the Ohio State Fair. Two boys from each county will have a chance to spend one week at the state capital during the Ohio state fair. The Fair will pay their expense. Boys who are entered in any of the junior contests are eligible. A county meeting will be held at the court house Saturday, August 21, 1915, to elect the boys.

In addition to those persons who have voted at these meetings in the past, township trustees, each county fair director, and each district school superintendent will have the right to vote in electing the two boys. Every boy should enter the live stock judging contest at his home fair. The boy growing the most corn on one acre in his county will get a free, threeyear short course scholarship in the College of Agriculture. Boys have more chance to win tories than ever before. The State Fair promises to be bigger and better than ever.

The dates are August 30 to September 3, 1915. For full information in reference to State ricultural Fair Free Commission, Trips write to The AgColumbus, Two former citizens of Harveysburg died last week -Clayton Lukens at Chattanooga and Mrs. Julia Stump at the Masonic Home at Springfield. WANTED--Good woman for kitchen work. Call at 302 West Main street.

Phone 343. 3-tf Wanted---Poultry and eggs; car loads or less. Phone A 134. J. Whiteside.

BASE BALL Sunday, July 4, '15 CLINTONS VS. XENIA RESERVES, North End Park, Wilmington, O. BATTERIES-Heironimus and Adams for Wilmington; Free and Randall for Xenia. The Reserves are very strong this season, having recently defeated the Washington C. H.

team by a score of 2 to 0. This will be a game well worth seeing. Game called at 3 o'clock. Admission 25c Clean Up Paint Up That Good House Paint BRADLEY VROOMAN'S With a 5-year Gold Bond Guarantee All Colors. Window Glass, Oils, Putty, Anchor Lead, Brushes.

Automobile Paints, Sponges, Chamois, Goggles, Greases, Universal Varnish, Valspar, Perfection Varnish, the kinds that stand the wear and water--does not turn white. Permalac Varnish Stain, for all kinds of wood work Floors and furniture. T. E. BRINDLE DRUGGIST and First Annual Wilmington Fair Wilmington Horse Show AUGUST 11, 12 and 13, 1915 We Give and Redeem Our Own Ked Dime Stamps A BOOK OF $50.00 WORTH $2.00 IN TRADE.

"Society Brand" Clothes For Men and Men Who Stay Young. Plain Conservative Models COPYRIGNT Pariety ALFRED Brand DECKER Clathre CONN for the Older Men. diothes Extreme English Models for Young Men. Sport Shirts, $1 and $1.50. Coin Spot Bat Ties, 50c.

Soft Collars, 15c. See the New Middy Suits for Young Ladies. Sport Shirts for the Ladies. Wash Dresses $3.95, ALL $5.85, COLORS $6.50, AND $7.85, PLAIN $8.95 Just a Few Suits and Coats Left. Get Yours at Once if You Want a Bargain.

Coats worth $10.00 to $20.00, at $5.00 and $7.85 Suits worth $18.00 to $27.50, at $9.85 and $11.50 Red Dime KATZ BONECUTTER Red Dime Ask for our Ask for our STAMPS STAMPS.

The Clinton County Democrat from Wilmington, Ohio (2024)


What towns are in Clinton County Ohio? ›

Who is Clinton County Ohio named after? ›

The county was named for George Clinton, the US vice president in 1810 when it was formed.

What county is Wilmington, OH in? ›

Official Website for Clinton County Ohio - Wilmington.

What district is Clinton County, Ohio in? ›

Ohio's Second Congressional District | U.S. Representative.

What was Ohio originally called before it was Ohio? ›

The Northwest Territory originally included areas previously called Ohio Country and Illinois Country.

Who gave Ohio its name? ›

OHIO: Iroquois Indian word meaning the river of the same name. "beautiful river," taken from the river of the same name. OKLAHOMA: Choctaw Indian word meaning “red people."

Why is it called Cleveland Ohio? ›

Named after General Moses Cleaveland, the City of Cleveland was incorporated in 1836. Aided by its proximity to rail and water routes and natural resources like iron and oil, the City of Cleveland served as a central hub for industrial growth, commerce, and trade throughout the 19th and 20th centuries.

What major city is in Warren County Ohio? ›

Mason city, Warren County, Ohio.

What cities are in Guernsey county Ohio? ›

- Includes population statistics, apprisem*nt of 1853, insets of Claysvill, Cumberland, Cambridge, Washington, Ohio, Hartford, Winchester, New Gottengen, Antrim, Londonderry, Middletown, Fairview, Senacavill, Salesview, Millwood, and Centreville.

What is the sales tax in Clinton County Ohio? ›

The minimum combined 2024 sales tax rate for Clinton Cnty, Ohio is 6.75%. This is the total of state, county and city sales tax rates. The Ohio sales tax rate is currently 5.75%. The County sales tax rate is 1%.

What towns are in Hocking county Ohio? ›

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

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Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.