Press and Sun-Bulletin from Binghamton, New York (2024)

LEGAL NOTICES EMPLOYMENT ANNOUNCEMENTS 4-F PRESS, Binghamton, N. Y. Sept. 20, 1967 EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT th North and th Town tf Dickinson on tht South; Thenct Easterly along said btundtry distance of 955 it feet ts a point; Thenc Southerly through Lot No. 1-1 a distance of 290 ftet to a point tn th Southerly boundary of Lot No.

1-1, said point also being th Intersection of said Southerly boundary with th East erly boundary of Lot No. I-5-A75; Thence Southerly along said Easterly boundary and the Easterly boundaries of Lots No. 1-5-A74 through 1-5-AM a distance of 766 2: feet to its Intersection with the Northerly street boundary of J. T. Boulevard; Thence Southerly across J.

T. Boulevard a distanct of 50 2: feet to I point on the Southerly street boundary of J. T. Boulevard, said point also being tht Intersection of said Southerly street boundary with the Easterly boundary of Lot No. 1-5-A65; Thence Southerly along said Easterly boundary and the Easterly boundaries of Lots No.

1-5-A64 through Lot No. 1-5-A58, a distance of 575 feet to Its intersection with tht Northerly boundary of Lot No. 1-5-2D; Thenct Southerly through Lot No. 1-5-2D a distance of 71 zt. feat to a point on tha Southerly boundary of Lot No.

1-5-2D, said point being th Intersection of said Southerly boundary with the Easterly boundary of Lot No. l-5-2Ei Thenc Southerly along said Easterly boundary tnd tht Easterly boundaries of Lots No. 1-5-2F and 1-5-3, a distanct of 217 feet to Its Intersection with the Southerly boundary of Lot No. 1-5-3; Thence Westerly along said Southerly boundary a distance of 220 feet to its intersection with the Easterly street boundary of Stella-Ireland Road; Thence Westerly across Stella-Ireland Road a distance of 50 zt feet to the point of beginning. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF BROOME TOWN OF OICKINSON ANDREW DEWING, Town Clerk of the Town of Dickinson, Broome County, New York and custodian of tt records of said town, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of th original resolution duly adopted by the Town Board of said Town at a meeting of said Board held on tht 11th day ef September, 1967, all as tht samt appears upon the official minutes of said meeting on file In my office.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and annexed tht seal of said Town, this 11th day of September, 1967. ANDREW DEWING Town Clerk, Town of Dickinson Broome County, New York NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that license number 42RL467 has been Issued to the undersigned to sell liquor, wine and beer at retail, under the Alcononc Beverage Control Law in Harvey's Grill, Located at 1214 North Endicott, Broome coun-Wf for the consumption on premises Harvey Coleman, 10 jetterson av. Endicott, N.Y. ADVERTIsem*nT NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS 1. Central New York State Parks Com mission, Jemesvllle, New York INVITES SEALED BIDS FOR! Construction of Picnic Shelters, Contact Station and Park Office Building.

Work In connection with tha construc tion of the following protect: Gllmmergiass State pant East Springfield, New York Bids will ba received at the Office of the Commission at Clark Reservation, Jamesvllle. New York until 3:00 P.M. (EDT) October 11, 1967 at which time and place all bids will be opened publicly and read aloud. 2. The Bidding Documents and Forms of Proposal may be examined at: Pederson, Hueber, Hares Giavin, Architects Landscape Architects Engineers, 200 Syracuse Kemper Building, Syracuse, New York 13202.

Syracuse Builders Exchange, 1045 James Street, Syracuse, New York 13203. Office of Commission, Clark Reservation, Jamesvllle, New York. F. W. Dodq Corporation, 3522 James Street, Syracuse, New York 13206.

Utlca Builders Exchange 307 Court Street, Utlca, New York. Glimmerglass State Park, Park Office, East Springfield, New York. Copies of said documents may ob tained from the Commission upon deposit ef twenty dollars Th deposits will be refunded In full to Prime Contract bidders returning the documents In good condition with their bid. Upon receipt of documents, on half (Vj) will be refunded to Prime Contract bidders who do not submit a bid, to Subcontractors, and to those returning documents after th bid due date, provided documents are returned In good condition. No refund will be made after 30 days of bid due date.

3. Additional copies of plans and spe cifications are available to Contractors and Suppliers at the cost of reproduction. 4. All proposals shall be made on Pro posal furnished by the Commission, In cluding acknowledgment and verification. 5.

As bid security, each oroposa shall be accompanied by a certified check made out to the Central New York Parks Commission In accordance with the schedule In the Instructions to Bidders. 6. In the tvent of award of Contract, Performance Bonds and Labor end Ma terial Bonds shall be required, in com pliance with the Finance Laws of the state of New York. 7. The Commission reserves the rlaht to waive any Informalities In, or to re- ect, any and all bids.

No bdder mav withdraw his proposal within forty-five kioi oays atter tne actual date of the opening thereof. Central New York State Parks Commission Clark Reservation Jamesvllle, New York Samuel Perry Regional Park Manager ANNOUNCEMENTS Funeral Directors GOULD FUNERAL HOME 19 GRAND BLVD. Binghamton, N. SW 7-5842 Cemeteries 2A VESTAL HILLS Cemetery 4 plot burial 101, section t. si s-1455.

VESTAL HILLS MEMORIAL PARK two 4-grave adiolnlng plots. Section Q. Write Box 3457 co Press. Florists BARNES FLORIST Floral Telegraph Association Member Main Dial RA 4-4226 CHENANGO BRIDGE FLORIST Open Monday-Saturday, to 5 Ml 8-4177 1002 River Road Ml 8-4243 COSTAS FLOWERS Flowers That Will Satisfy Corner Vestal-Mltchll Aves. A 4-4374 MacLENNAN'S FLORIST Floral Telegraph Association Member 499 Court Dial RA 2-6484 Personals ABOUND New York, October shopping -Patricia Murpnys.

bsposito. pi -0922. ABOUND NEW YORK Hairdresser's convention, October 1-9. Esposlto, PI 8-0922. ACCOMMODATION Expo, September 26- 28; Sept.

30, Oct. Oct. 14-15. Travel Bureau MC12678. Revert.

797-9258. ALL damaged garments re woven. Bring in, or mall ROYAL WEAVING, 504 O'Neil Building. A 2-3154. ARE YOU WORRIED about your drink Ing? ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS can help.

Call RA 2-5983 anytime. ART LESSONS-John Southe, artist, Ji opening his studio evenings and Saturdays for Informal Individualized Instructions. Location 165 Washington second floor. BOARD, ROOM Good care, In comfortable, warm home, for lderly people. RA 3-2681.

AUCTION SALES Peraooals BURNS. MOTH HOLES and TEARS Expertly RE WOVEN. Ruth M. Buchta, 11 Pennsylvania RA-4S33. BUS Pennsylvnl Dutch Country, guioeo tours, uci ji, 71, 1 ravel Bureau, MCI 2671, Schleider, RA 1-0937.

BUS Bloomsburg Fair. September 30th. Travel Bureau. MCI 2671. Revert, 797-258.

BUSES Sterling Gardens, Sept. New York $15.50. Oct. 21-22. Lesch.

RA 2-1944. BUSES New York. October October 21-22. Revert, 797-9258. CATERERS to Miss Universe.

Catering service now tvallabit for your spe cial events, contact Mist Douglas, 648-8636. COMPLETE FORMAL WEAR TO RENT RA 2-0327 HAGGERTY FORBES, FRONT ST. DOES HE OR SHE drink excessively? Help for family available through AL Anon. Call RA 2-5983. DRAPERIES SLIPCOVERS Cottons Synthetics I berg las Color consultation.


M. INTERESTED In lolnlng the Middle Single's Club? Ages 35 to 55. Ca 797-7514; RA 4-9114. KARATE LESSONS Chung Sang Do Jung, 77 5tat St. 722-9834; 775-1776.

KERN'S HOBBIES will bt at the samt location on Main Street, thru Christ-mas. Agreement reached with landlord PERMANENT WAVES Regular $15 now $7.50. Complete with conditioner shampoo-styling to suit you. INA BELLE BEAUTY SHOP, ST J-7621 121 West Mein Endicott WEDDING invitations, announcements. Thank You notes, napkins, matches.

JOGGERST, RA 3-7401. ZIPPER SERVICE-AII types of gar. Fret pickup, delivery. Special new trouser pockets, 75c each.Masttr Cleaners, 219 Chenango, RA 2-7777. Lost and Found FOUND House key with pink telephone disc on key chain.

722-6764. FOUND Large dog on Ingreham Hill Rd. Call 723-9279. FOUND Black, short-haired malt cat. oakdaie vicinity.

A 9-3848. FOUND Black short-haired young male cat. Vicinity Kimball Rd. Vestal. 748- 1768.

FOUND Girl's bicycle, vicinity Girl's Club, Brandywlne and Frederick St. Identify. Call at 23 Munsell St. FOUND Large beagle, no collar, Carl Ostrom, RD 1, Power Bingham ton. LOST Male angora cat, charcoal grey, vicinity Miles ana tmmi at.

v-yu. LOST black bicycle, vicinity 165 Clinton St. Reward. 722-6764. LOST Full grown male cat, black, white markings.

Missing since Aug. 26th, vicinity Henry Pine Sts. Reward. 723' 3133. LOST Prescription sunglasses.

5-Mlle Point Speedway. Gererous reward. 798- 0515. LOST Half grown yellow kitten. Some Angora, vicinity Riverside Stratford PI.

Reward. RA 2-8420. LOST Black long haired cat. Children's pet. Vicinity East Side.

Reward RA 2-6161. LOST Cat, gray striped, 3 months eld, vicinity Union Johnson City. 729-9078. LOST Blackwhite spayed female Sprin ger Spaniel. Child's pet.

J. Stiavus, 656-8000, Greene. Auction Sales 8A ANTIQUES Estates our specialty. BILL HUNT, AUCTIONEER Sidney, N. 607-563-1993 AUCTION EVERY THURSDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS AT 7 P.



Phone Leonardsville, 315-855-7845 J. R. BEAVAN, AUCTIONEER Licensed-bonded, New York and Pennsylvania, Susquehanna, Pa. 717-879-2508, OLD AUCTION HOUSE, Greene, N.Y. Earl Palmiter, Auctioneer, 656-8016, Auctions every Friday, 8 p.

m. SOUTHERN TIER LIVESTOCK MARKET AUCTIONS TUESDAY DAIRIES WANTED WHITNEY POINT PHONE 692-3791 STEPHENS AUCTION SERVICE Antique Buyers, Appraisers, Auctioneer Marathon, N. 849-3249 VESTAL AUCTION EVERY Thursday, 7 p. real bargains on all merchandise, consignments wet come. You call we haul.

TEE GOULD, Auctioneer, RL 4-2881 EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted Men ATTENDANT Gas station, full time, experienced. 191 Conklln 724-2368 ATTENDANT Full and part time. Ex perience preferred. Brock Mobile, 23 Riverside Johnson city. ATTENDANT Full, part time, experl- enct preferred but not necessary.

Good wages, insurance. Apply in person Chefs Atlantic, Route 26. ATTENDANT Full time, hospitalization vacation. Apply Tlllotson Sinclair, 415 West Main Endicott. AUTO MECHANIC Experienced, ex cellent working conditions, Small firm Box 3456 Press.

BARBER by appointment. Interest In styling, some following helpful. 723-2405. 9 to 6. Important Notice: The New York State Law Against Discrimination prohibits discrimination in employment because of sex, unless based on a bona fide occupational qualification.

Help Wanted and Situations Wanted advertisem*nts are arranged in columns captioned "Male" and "Female" for the convenience of readers and are not intended as an unlawful limitation, or discrimination based on sex. AUCTION SALES Help Wanted Womta It LICENSED Practical Nurs ar Nurse Aide. Prtvl duty horn, fuii nmt and relief needed. Box 4M Press. LOURDES HOSPITAL Is tcceptlng tpollcetlont for experienced NURSES AIDES EXCELLENT FRINGE BENEFITS PROGRAM APPLY IN PERSON MARRIED WOMAN who has had experi ence operating Burroughs Senslmatle Accounting machine.

Wrlta Box 1451, co Press, giving resumt. MARRIED WOMAN with efflct experi ence, accurate in figures also experienced In Burroughs Calculator. Apply A. M. Plerson, 545 Front St.

Binghamton. (Formerly Grand Union Supermarket) MATURE WOMAN Baby-sit, my Vestal horn, 1 to 3:30, Monday through Friday. Call 754-2260 after 5:30. PART TIME Clerical, experience In pay-, roll preferred. Write stating quallfica-.

tions and references to Box 3460, Press. PART TIME help wanted. Typing and general office work. Send resume Box 3467 Press. REAL ESTATE SALESWOMEN ARE YOU UNHAPPY OR NOT QUITE SATISFIED WITH YOUR PRESENT OFFICE? ABOVE AVERAGE WORKING CONDITIONS.


Job Involves doing all clerical, work necessary In support of mall sub- scriber program. Duties Include filing, calculating bills, and maintaining addressograph file. An interesting It requires close attention to detail. Ad- dressograph experience helpful to appIL' cant. Present job holder to become office floater.

Pleasant working condl- tions in new, air-conditioned Salary commensurate with experience. Excellent company benefits. Apply by letter to R. C. Anderson, Circulation Manager, Th Evning Press, Vestal Parkway East, Binghamton, N.

Y. 13902.. no telephone calls. WHY LET that unused article gather" oust, iace a press want ad and turn It Into cash. WOMAN Work Novello's Dry Cleaning' fiant.

Apply tn person, 3114 East Main Endwell. WOMAN or girl for light housework. tnalCOTt. 785-2291. WOMAN Housework, 9-1, Monday, Wednesday, Friday.

No child care. Foreign language acceptable. RA 4-7173, evenings. WOMAN Baby-sit from 8:45 p. m.

till a.m. tuesday and Wednesday' nights, Twin Orchard area. 754-2537." WOMAN General housework. Thursday ano i-rioay 8 to 1. south Side.

oepenaapie, rererences. RA 3-7275. WOMAN Care for Infant, days, days weekly, west bndicott. 785-8212 after 5:15 p.m. $282 OFFICE $282 Immediate spot for above average attractive beginner with good telephone" voice and skills.

Public contact. Call 723-9501, JOAN LENZA, SNELLING AGENCY. Help Men or Women 11 CLERK Stationery store, experienced; $80 weekly. Write Box 3408 Press." All replies confidential. COOKS-Apply Dickinson Hall, Harpur College, 9-4.

Equal opportunity employee. DISHWASHER-Apply In person after 1 p. nawK Diner, upper court It. FACTORY WORK Good working eon-, oinons, air-conditioning. Pension plus benefits.

Apply 8 to Falrplay Caramels, corner of Willow-Grand Johnson City. MODELS WANTED Male or female, from $1.50 to $2.80 per hour. Art Department, State University at Binghamton. Call Mr. Wilson for Interview, 798-2111.

PHOTO COLOR 1ST Work at home, good price per print. Write Box 3466 Press. RETOUCHER Portrait negatives. Work at home, ample work available. Well paid.

Write Box 3441 Press. SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS Morning and afternoon runs available. Contact Mr. Sweeney at Chenango Forks Central School. 648-8511.

SCHOOL BUS DRIVER Apply at Chenango Valley Central School bus garage. John Levonik, transportation supervisor, RA 4-1306. TALENT WANTED Dancers (female), singers, entertainers. Mlitar ST 5-9701, after 3 WAITERS and Apply In per son. Endwell House.

754-0250. COLLEGE STUDENTS Male or female students te verify local credit orders. Day and evening hours available. Car necessary. Start hourly plus expenses.

724-1734, Mr. Stebbins. Positions Wanted Men 13 ALL TYPES of Inside work no matter what your problem. We also Install furnaces. Last chance to have your house painted.

Hull's Painting, RA 3-5551. ATTENTION hotels, restaurants and In- stitutions. Chef's and cook's apprentices available. Food Service Prelect Hartford, endorsed by Federal Government. 724-0792; A 4-6996.

CARPENTER WORK wanted, all kinds. Dick Clark. PI 8-1054. CELLARS Garages cleaned, lawn mewing. Scouten, 722-3194.

CELLARS and attic cleaned, rubbish hauled away. Gibson. 648-4585. EXTERIOR-lnterior painting, havt It "Dun Rite" reasonably. Russ, 723-5081.

PAINTING Interior-exterior. Reasonable rates. Russ Howard, 797-9803. PAINTING Interior-exterior, Insured, free estimates. 785-5146; 724-5828.

PHARMACIST-Reglstered, desires full er part-time employment, send complete details to Box 3451 Press. RETIRED shipping clerk desires 1 or 4 hours dally. RA 9-3163. Positions Wanted Women 14 BOOKKEEPING Experienced In til phases Including payroll, quarterly reports, dont In my home. RA 4-9551.

CHILD CARE In my West Side horn. Days. 723-4702. CHILD CARE In my South Side home. Call RA 3-1826.

CHILD CARE Vestal area. References If required. 754-0896. CHILD or infant care My West Side home. 723-6805.

CHILD CARE In my West Endicott hom*o. ST 5-4339. CHILD CARE In my Endicott horn. References. MS-uaj.

COMPANION or convalescent care, male or female patients, own transportation, good references. Call 717-9674279. CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING and altera tions. Come In for a fitting today. Call Schaffer, PI $-9259.

INFANT CARE In my Endicott horn, call ST 5-4124. IRONINGS WANTED 722-8442 i IRONINGS WANTED $3 per basket. No white shirts. RA 4-2841. IRONINGS Done In my Johnson City home, can 729-2710.

IRONINGS In 14 Green St. horn. Second floor. 724-1341. I ROnTnGS WANTE DR 724-4019 IRONINGS WANTED EndlcoltVettal area, will pick-up and deliver.

862-4553. WILL CARE lor children In my Endicott homt. ST 5-4690. EXPERIENCED AIDE would like work, nights or days, rtnrnces, 722-6104, Help Wanted Men WAREHOUSE HELP Good wort In n- anion, good pay, benefits. Apply at McTIgh Whaletait Grtctry, fl Ely St.

No phone calls. WELDER Are welding, pom experience. flay or night. Apply Clay Equipment Franklin Ave. Hlllcrtst.

WINDOW TRIM tnd Interior display s- sistam, run or part time. Some optrl-enc desirable. Apply Brltt't Personnel Office, 10 a. m. to p.

m. Monday through Friday. ALL AROUND LABORER For steady outdoor work, near Stat Park. 1000. ATTENTION MEN If you are Interested In taming extre spending money, wt can offer you a loo.

PART-TIME POSITIONS from 11 a to 1 p. m. Monday through Friday are now available at Upper court St. and vestal Parkway. FULL-TIME POSITIONS art also avail, ablt.

Apply In person Immtdlattly ati Carrol's Restaurants UPPER COURT ST. VESTAL PARKWAY EXPERIENCED CLOTHING SALESMAN for quality Man's Store In Ithaca, N. Y. Salary txceptionall Writ for Interview. R.

L. li Randolph Rd. Ithaca, N.Y. EXPERIENCED heavy presser Apply 31 Broad Johnson city, mornings EXPERIENCED Heavy Presser Guaran teed wage. Apply in person, wiison Brothers Cleaners, 334 Main Blng namton.

ESTABLISHED ROUTE for salesman. East and North Side ef Binghamton, also Chenango Bridge. Salary and commission. Dial RA 2-8080, from I to 6 p. m.

only for appointment. Mr. Starkweather. FULL TIME POSITION Good opportun ity. Front desk, Grossinger Hotel.

Room and board plus salary. Call Mr. Webb Blue, 292-5000. FULL TIMEPart Time Earn big money with direct sales of Liquid Magic, 729-3926. FURNISHINGS SALESMAN for quality Men's Store In Ithaca, N.Y.

Salary to start S100 plus. Write for Interview. K. L. 114 Randolph Rd.

Ithaca, N.Y. GRADUATE Civil Engineer and Graduate Mechanical Engineer wanted, central Engineering Department, Thatcher Glass Manufacturing Home Office, ti-mlra, N.Y. Soma traveling. Write E. G.

Galoin, Chief Engineer, or phone RE 3-1131 or RE 4-7161, Elmlra. All replies In strict confidence. HELP! Our constantly growing business depends on dedicated workers. If you art over 21 or even over 60 and love restaurant work, we have a lob for you. We don't have big corporation benefits, but In time we may.

If you have any managerial potentialities, loin us and be come part of our expansion program. PANCHO'S PIT RIVERSIDE OR. PLAZA JOHNSON CITY HELP WANTED General factory help. Positions available Immediately. No experience, will train.

Apply Roblnttch, Bodit Hill owtgo. IMMEDIATE Men to train In Albany, Cleveland or Pittsburgh. All expenses paid. Positions available office managers and assistants. Over 19, draft free, neat appear ing and alert.

Minimum yearly $6,200, salary and commissions. Mr. Dodge, 724-1734. Family Publications Service, INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER Experienced at estimating and manufacturing processes. Capable heading up engineer ing department.

Contact Ron Lown, 756-2866, Cortland, N.Y. LEADING COMPANY Seeks recent college graduate to train for. marketing representative. Paid training and relo cation expenses. Salary to S7.5K.

Call: Al Simonis, Key Ptrsonntl Agency, 722-7231. MATURE MEN. YOU CAN SHARE IN OUR SUCCESS Step up to a management position with a young expanding restaurant chain. We prefer men over 21. Restaurant experience Is net necessary because we have an exceptional training program.

We can provide management positions In Binghamton and surrounding areas based on your preference. EXCELLENT SALARIES BONUSES COMPANY PAID RETIREMENTS, INSURANCE BENEFITS-PAID VACATIONS This is your opportunity to advance based on your own ability. We will hav higher level positions for the men who can do the job. For details and Interviews, send your name, address and telephone number to: Personnel Director CARROL'S DRIVE-INS 710 Klrkpatrlck St. Syracuse, N.

Y. 13208 An equal opportunity employer MARRIED MAN On dairy farm. House, tuei, milk, lectricity furnished. Good wages, sey-tioif MEN-Full and part-time. Apply Triangle Maintenance corp.

40BVi North St Endicott. PART TIME Cook's helper, evenings. Chicken Inn, Vestal Parkway, 754-1760 PART TIME Collector for accounts re ceivable, salary. Apply In person. GOODYEAR SERVICE STORE 74 Henry St.

Binghamton SIDNEY AREA Newspaper Sales Management Opportunity Expansion has created an opening for a high school graduate with sales interest and aptitude, who would enoy working with teenage boys. The position Is as district sales manager In our circu lation department and Involves advising the newspaperboys In our Sidney area district, to insure good service and maximum sales effort. A ful -time, in teresting ob, with all company fringe oenetit*. Position requires use of per. sonal automobile, for which mileage allowance Is paid.

Person selected must live in Sidney or vicinity. Personal Interview may be arranged by calling Mr. R. c. Anderson (Collect).) THE PRESS Vestal Parkway Binghamton, N.Y, 798-1165 SNELLING SNELLING EMPLOYMENT AGENCY O'Neil 723-9501 WANTED Truck driver.

Apply In person vasnina puei ana supply, 31 Brown Help Wanted Women 10 ADMINISTRATIVE AStlSTANTFxerii Tlve ftecrererv te re nret rlent. Mnr have top skills and several years experience, salary on application to per month. Call: Judy Root, e.ey rersonnei agency, ADMITTING CLERK Part tlmt. Requires a good typist. Must ee avaiianie to do relief for shifts.

Weekend work Is Involved. Should have ability te rtlatt with others. Apply: LOURDES HOSPITAL BABY-SITTER-housekeeper to live In or out, 1 school -age children, 4 to 6 days. Endwell. 754-4432.

BABY-SITTER wantrd In my West Cor ners home. 162-9331. BEAUTICIAN-FULL TIME 723-1881 BEAUTICIAN EXPERIENCED 785-7049 Help Wanted Mea BARTENDER Btr bey, nlghtt, bu bay; mornings. Contact Mr. Thaihoftr, Ihero ton Motor Inn.

771-1341. BOOKKEEPER Light experience quali fies you for this local office ef leading national company. Call: Al Simonli, Key Personnel Agency, 722-7231. BUTCHER Full or part-time, day er night. Apply tn parson, Th Fountains Restaurant, vestal faraway.


Writ Box 1465 5. Preis. CLERK Must be fait typist. Salary open, all benefits. Call PI 1-lJOt CLOSERS DOUBLE YOUR MONEY If you ar a successful closer In home Improvement, Investments, mutual funds, or similar direct salts lines, we can offer you: i.

Double Income 1. Immediate Full Commission i. Ho Credit Rejects A Blue Chip Company with multi-million program gives you two good prospects to clost each day. Prospects brought directly to you. Each sale results In excess of S200 commission paid weekly.

Good closers wil make 3 or more sales per week. Only proven closers need reply. For confidential Interview, call Mr. Lolta at 72-e27. DISPATCHER-Class 1 camrnon carrier, experience preferred but not neces sary.

DRAFTSMEN Advance your position and salary, several local and reloca tion positions available for tht electrical, mechanical andor electro-mechanical "drawers." Call: Al Simonis, Key Per sonnel Agency, 722-7231. DRIVER Commercial route. Steady year round employment, over 21 years of age. Ideal Laundry Clerners, 1900 North Endicott. ELECTRONIC SALE SMA Must have AAS Degree or better with tales back ground.

Guarantee S6K to S7.5K plus commission. Call: Al simonis, Key Personnel Agency, 722-7231. ENGINEERING TECHNICIANS AAS Degree In electrical or mechanical for leading area company, salary open Call: Al Simonis, Key Personnel Agency 722-7231. FACTORY WORK-Good working conditions, alr-condltlonlng. Pension plus benefits.

Apply I to 3:30, Feirpiay Caramels, corner of Willow-Grand Ave, Johnson City. FINANCE ADJUSTOR Excllnt oppor tunlty local employment, excellent training program, rapid advancement, progressive benefits, good starting sal. ary, plus expenses. Call today W. W.

Howe, (Associates) 723-7957. FINANCE TRAINEE Good start toward management career with leading company for high school graduate. Salary and expenses. Call: Al Simonis, Key Personnel Agency, 722-7231. GAS STATION ATTENDANT Apply In person after 1 p.

HawK Truck Stop, Upper Court St. INSPECTOR Assistant construction engineer, minimum 3 years experience in tht gtntral Inspection of construction. Soma experience with a level and transit required. Excellent opportunity for right person. Salary commensurate with ex perience.

Contact; A. D. Bruno, (607) 369-9383. JANITOR for late night work, could use part time person. Must havt twn trans portation, call 79B-27iy.

MAINTENANCE MEN Ovr 35 with a minimum of 7 years of general and preventative maintenance, electrical trouble shooting, machine repairing and pipe fitting. Call: Mr. Deggtttt from 10 until 12 noon Monday through Friday RA 9-3593. MATERIAL CONTROL CLERK Produc tion or Inventory control experience helpful. Immediate opening.

Automation Services. Write P. 364, Endicott. MECHANIC-Experlenced, to work In leading transmission firm. Excellent working conditions, good fringe bene fits.

Call RA 3-8275. MECHANICS Growing New-Car Dealership In Endicott has opening for 2 Mechanics. 1 Line Mechanic 1 Used-Car Mechanic Our Mechanics average better than most. All company benefits, paid vacations Apply In person to Mr. Haick or Mr.

Skeirlk at HAICK-SKEIRIK RAMBLERTOWN 1808" E. Main St. Endicott PINSETTERS Age 16 or over, St Cyril's Community Center. RA 4-9679 between p. m.

PLASTE R-Mason's Helper PI 8-3094, after 5. Call PLANT MAINTENANCE MECHANIC Experienced with heavy equipment main tenance for rapidly steel fabricator and scrap processor. This is a steady year- round job with top pay and fringe benefits, call Norm Freeoman, una ca, 272-8800, collect. WALLACE STEEL, ITHACA, N.Y. An Equal Opportunity Employer ROUTEMAN wanted for established route.

Apply General Dry Cleaning West Corners, Endicott. SALESMAN With1 technical knowledge and background In electronics to call on established industrial accounts, sen. Ing electronic components. We'ra looking for an energetic man with sales ability, good education and accustomed to ac tively call on accounts, salary, ex penses and opportunity for advance ment. Call collect (716) (84-3460.

SALESMEN SHOES Good salary and commission. Opportunity for growth and security. Liberal com-pany benefits. Apply THOM MeAN, 52 Court St. SALESMAN Industrial Commercial Floor cleaning equipment (territory un limited).

Commission and expense al lowance. Apply In person. Allied ier-l vict and Supply. 723-8831. SAUSAGE MAKER or tausagt room stutter wanted for small plant In Central New York.

Union scale and bene fits. Box 3452, Press. SERVICE STATION MECHANIC Experienced, references, salary plus commission. Ray Smith Atlantic, Rlvtrside Johnson City. SMOKEHOUSE ATTENDANT All sau- saga kitchen helper, fringe benefits.

Call, write, E. B. Gal 284 Water Binghamton. RA 2-6471. STOCK MAN-Good working must have own transportation.

Call 798-2711, between 7 a. m. and 4 p. Monday through Saturday. STRUCTURAL STEEL layout man.

Ex cellent pay and fringe benefits. Steady year-round employment with oppor tunity to advance to supervisory posi tion. Will consider training ambitious man. Contact Wallace Steel 726 West Clinton Ithaca, N.Y. Phono Ithaca, 272-8800 "An equal opportunity tmploytr" TECHNICAL Immediate openings for broadcast engineer, all-color station 2nd class license or better required, Send resumt to WNYS TV, Channtl 9, Syracuse, P.

O. Box Syracuse, N.Y. 13214. TELEVISION TECHNICIAN RCA IER VICE CO. has Immediate opening, tor service technician.

Eprlnc helpful Call SW 7-2354. An equal opportunity tmploytr. RCA SERVICE CO. 113 Oakdalt Johnson City- TRAINEES NEEDED for vending ma chine work. Excellent working condi tions.

Should be mechanically Inclined, neat and reliable, Call 798-2711 between 7 and 4 p. Monday through Saturday TRUCK DRIVER Yard helper. Apply wnippies Lumberi 490 court RA 2-5353. TRUCK DRIVER-Full or part time. Local delivery.

Set Ed at Darling's, 15 North Depot St. RUC KE 0 UIPMEN fM HAN. 7 with welding experience. RA 2-9254. TRUCK-BUS MECHANIC Experience preferred, excellent salary and fringe benefit.

Contact Mr. Sweeney at Chenango Forks Central School, 448-1511, Help Wanted Warn It EAUTICIAN-eprlencd. Apply Ar- tents, 125 cnenanga t. ev nlngs 77S-317. BOOKKEEPER General office.

Eperl- tnced on bookkeeping machine a must Immediate opening. Call: Judy Root, 7M-7M1. BOOKKEEPER Will train It person hat accounting knowledge. Must work Saturdays. Top potential.

See JEAN BARNES, JJJ-tWI, SNELLING a. SNELLING AGENCY BOOKKEEPERS-Permanent position in all year resort hotel. Call collect er write Mr. Miller, Grossinger Hotel Country Club, Grossinger, N. Y.

12734, Phone CAB DRIVERS WE TRAIN YOU. HIGHEST COMMISSION IN TOWN YELLOW CAB, 385 State St. CHAMBERMAID Part time Call 724-1311 CHILD CARE-Must live In, s-days. 131 77-7405. CHILD CARE My South Sid home days.

RA 2-0051. CHILD CARE Rellabl woman, my John son City horn. 797-1441. CLAIM GIRL High school graduate, no experience need ed, new building, downtown Bingham ton, must type 40 words per minute Company benefits, 37Vi-hour week Call Mr. Stewart, after 10:30 a.

m. 724-3281. CLERICAL Good typing and general office know-how can land you this position In plush downtown spot. JEAN BARNES, SNELLING i. SNELLING AGENCY, 723-9501.

CLERK-TYPIST Lovely new office. Choice spot for Gal anxious to advance. S303 to start, wttn very good potential I CALL MRS. MAZUR, RA 3-9501, SNELLING SNELLING AGENCY COUNTER GIRL 11 p. a.m., 5 day weekly.

Station Luncheonette, 49 Lewis St. CREDIT OPENING-Advancement spot for gal with light experience. Call: Judy Root, Key Personnel Agency, 722-7231. DRAPERY SALES CLERK-Experlenced desired, Call In person I to 9 p. m.

Monday through Friday, Clinton Mill Ends, 9 Clinton St. FRONT DESK Prefer someone with Dental background. Typing and light bookkeeping. Busy doctor needs help. JEAN BARNES, SNELLING 1 SNELLING AGENCY, 723-9501.

HOSTESSES WANTED Dutchmald Par ties, receive free clothing, call 693-1585 Harpursvllle. HOUSEKEEPER Traveling father- with 11-year-old daughter requires a middle-aged woman to live with us In Skant-ateles. Please send Information te Box 697 Press. HOUSEKEEPER Light housework, 2 adults, sleep In or out. 797-1764.

INTERVIEWER-Posltlon requires ag gressive gal experienced In public contact, salary open, call: Judy Root, Key Ptrsonntl Agency, 722-7231 KEYPUNCH OPERATORS-Full or part tlma positions available for experienced operators on all shifts. Liberal benefits Keypunch Center, 120 Washington Endicott. 754-1420. MAIOS Apply In person. Holiday Inn, Upper Court St.

MEDICAL SECRETARY Permanent Experience not necessary. Box 3459 Press. NURSE Registered or practical for pe diatrician's office. 10-6, 4 days weekly 724-2505. OFFICE HELP Part time, have knowl edge of typing, must be accurate and dependable, also references for bond ing.

Hours: Mon. and Thurs. 4-9 p. m. Sat.

9 to 5:30 p. m. Downtown Washington Endicott. Box 3462, Press. RECEPTIONIST STENOGRAPHER some experience shorthand, typing, pub lic contact.

New office. $303. TYPIST Excellent company, variety of typing. Central location. $315.

TYPIST Experienced. Miscellaneous typ ing. Endicott area. $346. NORMILE PERSONNEL AGENCY SA Industrial Bank BIdg.

RA 3-5377 SALESGIRL Full time. Apply Bingham ton Beauty Supply, 79 Court St. SALESGIRL No experience necessary, will train. Excellent benefits. 5-day week.


SALESLADY Experienced preferred. Nights and week-ends. Apply In per. son only, Kent Drug, 518 Hooper Rd SALESLADY Experienced for children's wear. Full time, 5-day week.

Trl-Phi Shop, 248 Main Johnson City. SECRETARY for general office duties, typing essential, shorthand helpful. Call Judy Roof, Key Personnel Agency, 722-7231. SHIRT PRESS OPERATORS Ideal Laundry and Cleaners, 1900 North Endicott. SHIRT PRESSER OR FOLDER Expe rienced.

Full tim. STJ-2859. SHIRT PRESSER OR FOLDER Expe rienced. Full time. ST 5-2859.

SILK FINISHER-Experlenced. Apply In person, Wilson Bros. Cleaners, 334, main Dingnamion, 1 SPEECH TEACHER Full or part-time, Call 797-0577. STENO-CLERK Efficient, nice appearing. Someone with accurate skills.

Downtown location. CALL DOTTIE SEDLACK, 723-9501 SNELLING AGENCY, BINGHAMTON TYPIST-Excellent starting position for gal with no experience, to train In specialized field. Call: Judy Root, Key Personnel, 722-7231. WAITRESS Part time. Apply Hl-Ball Bar and Grill, Main Johnson City.

WAITRESS for airport dining room, serv ing excellent clientele. Must be experienced have own transportation. Call. RA 9-0931, between 2 and 4 p. WAITRESS 4, Diner, Whitney Point, N.

Y. i WAITRESSES Apply In person, Holi day Inn, upper court St. ATTENTION HOMEMAKER Part-time or full time sales positions available. Starting pay $2.50 per hour in com missions, plus benefits, outomatic pay Increases. No experience necessary.

Call Mrs. Cook, ST 5-5348. AVON WOMEN-Start now for big Christmas earnings as an Avon Representative. Write 785-5203 today, COLLEGE STUDENTS to work In our downtown order department taking orders over the phone, some record Ing. Start at $1.50 hourly (salary) to start.

Call Mr. Dodge 724-1734. Family Publications Service. EARN $50 AND MORE IN FAMOUS BRAND ITEMS. NO INVESTMENT Help friends shop from home.

Send for free 524 page Catalog. Popular Club Plan, Dept. S626, Lynbrook, N. EXPERIENCE not necessary. Must be willing to work.

Apply Laundry Center, 316 Main St. 797-0155. EXPERIENCED CLERICAL WORKERS Daily, weekly, monthly obs KELLY SERVICES, RA 3-9541 EXPERIENCED cleaning woman for new West Side home. Monday-Friday, f-12, $1.60 ptr hour, Rtf trances. Phone 797 8347.

FULL TIMEpart time, earn b.g money with direct sales tf Liquid Magic. 729-3924. GIRL for general offlct work In small pleasant office, must be ablt to type, Specialty Food Brown Johnson City. GIRL OR WOMAN TO LIVE IN In exchange for baby-sitting Room, board, spending money. RL 4-2932 before 3:30.

IDEAL HOME PARTIES TOY DEMONSTRATORS Earn free tnys and gifts plus extra money for Christmas. Demonstrate quality guaranteed tnys. No collecting, No delivery. Car necessary. High commission plus profit sharing plan.

Frances Lindsay, 723-2959. LADIES Evening work, showing hopt Chest Hems. Car necessary, 754-0024. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE NOTICf IS HEREBY GIVEN that (ltd proposal ar (ought and requested for tne collection of refine and garbage In Refus and Garbaga District No. in th Town Dickinson, Broom County, New York, according to the terms of a contract to given by the Town of Dickinson.

Said proposals will be received by the Town Board at the Town Otlice, Town Highway Garage, Upper Front Street, Town of Dickinson, Broome County, New York at 7:30 P.M. on October 2. 197 and will be considered publicly at such time and place. The terms ot the proposed contract for the execution of the work and forms of proposals can be examined and secured at the office of the Town Clerk, 674 Chenango Street, Town of Dickinson, New York between the hours of 9:00 A. M.

and you P. from September 20, 1967 to September 30, 1967, excepting Sundays. Proposals must be made In accordance with the form of proposals prepared by the Town Attorney which may ba ob- ta ned at tha office of the town 74 Chenango Street, Town of Dickinson, New York on or after September 30. 1947. Each proposal Is to be made upon condition that If tna proposal is accepnu, tha successful bidder will enter Into a contract for tha work and that ha will execute within 15 days from the date nf the acceptance of the proposal a suitable surety bond conditioned for the faithful performance of tne contract.

Dated: September II, 1967. STANLEY JONES Supervisor FORD MULFORD Justice of the Peace STEPHEN MITCHELL Justice of the Peace JOSEPH BURCZAK Councilman C. FRED JENKS Councilman iiioTirc RESOLUTION APPROVING RE-ZON ING OF PROPERTY UN esi OF FRONT STRcfc I iuwin ur iutnu bdaamc COUNTY. NEW YORK WHEREAS the Town Board, after consideration of the area zoned as Residence A on tha east side of Front Street In the Town of Dickinson, Broome County, New York and after referring the matter to the Town of Dickinson Planning Board, It was decided to be In the public Interest to call a nearing pursuam r.i th Town Zoning Ord Tnuun I aw for tha re- lonlng of an area on the east side of Front Street eommoniy Known scribed on the Broome County Tax Map as Town of Dickinson Nos. 1-11-, Ml-15, 1-11-12 and 1-11-15-S1 to change said area from Residence A to Residence as such districts are aescriDea the official lonlng map of the Town of Dickinson, ana mucocac hparlna was held pur suant to notice duly given at a meeting of the Town Boara in in.

Upper Front Street, Town of Dickinson -i. tu, 1... c*ntember 7 mew torn, vii ii.wiawn,, u. 1967 to which all persons desiring to be heard In favor of said zoning and also those desiring to be nearo in oppowmu" aa a- an nnnnrrumtv and were heard end thereafter, the public hearing was closed and decision re served. NOW, THEREFORE, be It wEn Tnwn Hoard That the following properties located on Upper Front street in tne Broome County, New York and described on the Broome County Tax Map as Town of Dickinson Nos.

1-11-6, 1-11-15, 1-11-12 and 1-11-15-S1 be and the same hereby are re-zoned from Residence A to Residence and It is further RESOLVED that the necessary changes be made upon the zoning map of the Town of Dickinson so as to Indicate the location of said properties as being located in a Residence zone as defined and regulated pursuant to the provisions of the Town Zoning Ordinance and the Zoning Map of the Town of Dickinson as amended and It is further RESOLVED that tha Town Clerk be and he hereby is authorized and directed to give the necessary notice of such change In zoning to the necessary departments and agencies having ur sdlc-tlon in the matter and he "rt authorized and directed to publish and post notices required by the Town Law and the Zoning Ordinance of the Town ef Dickinson. STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF BROOME SS TOWN OP DICKINSON ANDREW DEWING, Town Clerk of tha Town of Dickinson, Broome County, New York and custodian of the records of said town, do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoing Is a true copy of the text of a resolution duly adopted by tha Town Board of said Town at a meeting of said Board tied on the 11th day of September, 1967 all as the same appears upon tha official minutes of the aid meetings flit In my IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have htrtunto set my hand and annexed the tal of said Town, this Uth day ot September, NDREW DEW1N0 Town Clerk, Town of Dickinson, Broome County, New York "NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS: STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, ALBAN Y. -Sealed proposals will be received until ten-thirty o'clock m. on the 19th day of October, 1967, by Director of Contracts Unit, Office of Legal Affairs, Department of Transportation, Administration and Engineering Building, 1220 Washington Avenue, Building State Campus, Albany, New York, 12226, for the following protects: BROOME COUNTY, Mr. Joseph C.

DIst. 71 Frederick Streets Binghamton, New York. CONTRACT 67-113 (Rte 7). TYPE 9" Cem. Cone.

Asph. Cone, Misc. Work, 1 RRGS Comp. Girder, 2 Comp. Beam Bridges, 2 Reinf.

Cone Box Bridges. NAME OF HIGHWAY SMILES -Conklln, SH 421, Cortiettsvllle -Susquehanna River, SH 1826, 2.75 (2 04 AccJ Ml DEPOSIT FOR PLANS $5. BID U. nPPT FST. s2.629f- 000.

Any prolects "in this letting that are au. aia hinhwav svstems are sublect to the provisions of the Feo- ral Aid Highway Act ot it, i Lm filth frvnaress. BDPrOved ruuifi -a fio tou amended, and are also subject to the applicable New York Stale Statutes, in compliance "rc visions of Section 115 (Prevailing Rate of Wage), Public Law 627, the minimum wages to be paid laborers and merchanics re Included In wage schedules that are set out In the bid proposal. Maps, plans, mnH nriwKA forms mav be seen and obtained at the office of the State Department of Transportation, unit riifirm nf Leaal Affairs. Al bany, N.

at tht office of the State Department of Transportation, uv oroao-way. New York City, and at tht office of the District Engineers noted above. If the deposit Is $10.00 or more, full refund for one copy of the plans and spe cifications will pe maoe to a diooci iui the particular proect. If such plans and uf-u mrm returned in oood Con dition within 30 days after the award of the contract or after the rejection of the proposal. The successful bidder is not re quired-to return the copy ot tne pians and specifications in order to be entitled to such refund.

If the deposit Is $10.00 or more, partial refund will be made for th raiiirn tl nthar fnn', nf nlrins and specifications In good condition within 30 days after the award of the eon-tract or the reaction of the proposal. Special attention of bidders is called to "Information for Bidders" In the Public UUfkrlf CnAw-ltlrBtlnnc. mnri in th v.v, r.a 4vbnii.aiuiif, provisions applying to prolects financed with federal funds. Award of a contract Is sublect to priorities and allocations under the Defense Production Act of 1950, as Amended, and all regulations Issued thereunder. Proposal for each contract must be submitted In a separate sealed envelope with the name and number of the contract plainly endorsed on the outside of the envelope.

Each proposal must be accompenled by certified check payable to the order of the "Stele of New York, Department of Transportation" for the sum as specified in the advertisem*nt and Ihe proposal. The retention and disposal of the bid deposit, the execution of the contract and bond shall conform to the provisions of the Highway Law, as set forth In the "Information to Bidden." The right Is reserved to releet any or II bids. The Stat Department of Transportation, In accordance with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act ef 1964 (71 Stat. 252) and th Regulations of tht Department of Commerce (15 C.P.R., Part I), Issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifies all bidders that It will affirmatively insure that the contract entered Into pursuant to this advertisem*nt will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder without discrimination on the ground of race, color, or national origin. J.

BURCH McMORRAN, Commissioner of Transportation. QUALIFIED WORKERS Are Easy to Find With WANT ADS Phone 798-1141 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE At a meeting of tht Town Board of tha Town of Dickinson, Broom County, New York, held at the Town Hall In th Town of Dickinson, Broom County. New York on tne 11 in day of September, 1967 at 7:30 P. V. PRESENT: Stanley Jones.

Supervisor C. Fred Jenks, Councilman Joseph Burczak, Councilman Stepnen Mitchell. Justice of the Peace Ford Mulford, Justice of the Peace In the Matter of the Establishment of Extension No. 1 to Sewer District No. 3 in the Town of Dickinson, New York pursuant to Article 12-A of the Town Law.

WHEREAS, map, plan and report relating to tht establishment of Extension No. 1 to Sewer District No. 3 In tht Town of Dickinson, New York prepared by Robert Martin, a competent engineer. duly licensed by the State of New York in manner and such detail as has been determined by the Town Board of Dickinson has been duly filed In accordance with the requirements of Article 12-a of the Town Law, and WHEREAS, an order was duly adopted by th Town Board of Dickinson on August 7, 1967 reciting th filing of said map, plan and report, tht Improvements proposed, tht boundaries of tht proposed district, tht estimated expense thereof, the fact that the map, plan and report were on flit In the Town Clerk's Office for public Inspection and stating all other matters required by law to be stated and specifying September 11, 1967 at 7:30 P. M.

on that day, as the timt, and tha Town Hall In said Town as the place where the said Town Board would meet to consider said map, plan and report and to hear all persons interested in the sublect matter thereof concerning the same and to take such action thereon as Is required or authorized by law, and WHEREAS, such order was duly published and posted as required by law, and WHEREAS, hearing on said matter was duly held by said Town Board on this 11th day of September, 1967 beginning, at 7:30 P.M. on that day at the Town Hall In said Town and full discussion of the matter having been had and all persons desiring to bt heard having been heard. NOW, upon the evidence given upon such hearing and upon motion of Joseph Burczak, seconded by Ford Mulford, it Is RESOLVED AND DETERMINED: 1. That the notice of hearing was published and posted as required by law and is otherwise sufficient. 2.

That all the property and property owners within the proposed extension of said district are benefited thereby. 3. That all the property and property owners benefited are included within the limits of the proposed district. 4. That it is in the public Interest to establish said extension No.

1 to Sewer District No. 3 In the Town of Dickinson. and It Is FURTHER RESOLVED AND DETERMINED that the establishment of an extension to be known as extension No. 1 to Sewer District No. 3 in tht Town of Dickinson as set forth In said map, plan and report, bt approved; that tht Im provement therein mentioned be con structed and the necessary lands and easem*nts be acquired upon tha required funds being made avallablt and provided for and the boundaries of said extension are to bt as set forth in Exhibit A hereto annexed and It Is further RESOLVED that the proposed Improve ment Including construction costs, cost of acquisition of lands and easem*nts.

legal and engineering fees and all other expenses be financed by the Issuance of serial bonds of said town to mature in such number of installments not ex ceeding 20 as may be hereafter determined by the Town Board of the Town of Dickinson, payable in the first instance from assessments levied on the proposed real property in said district and it is further RESOLVED that th resolution is sub lect to a permissive referendum as pro vided by 209-e of the Town Law. The adoption of tht foregoing resolu tion was duly put to a vote and upon roll call, the vote was as follows: Stanley Jones, Supervisor voting aye C. Fred Jenks, Councilman voting aye Joseph Burczak, Councilman voting aye Stephen Mitchell, Justice. of Peace voting ay Ford Mulford, Justic of Peace voting aye The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted. IUWN Or UILM N5UN SEWER DISTRICT NO.

3 EXTENSION NO. 1 AREA NO. 1 Beginning at a point on the Westerly street boundary of Stella-Ireland Road at its intersection with the Southerly street boundary of Lincoln Street; Thence Westerly along said Southtrly street boundary a distance of 117 feet to its intersection with the Easterly boundary of Lot No. 1-4-A20; Thence Southerly along saia Easterly boundary a distance of 125 feet to ts intersection with the southerly bound ary of Lot No. Thenct Westerly along said southerly boundary and the Southerly boundaries of Lots No.

1-4-A19, A18, A17, A16, A15, and A14 a distance of 360 feet to Its Intersection with the Westerly bound ary of Lot No. 1-4-A14, said boundary also being the boundary between tne village of Johnson City on the West and the Town of Dickinson on the East; Thence Northerly along said boundary a distance of 285 feet to its intersec tion with the Northerly boundary of Lot No. 1-4-A1; Thence Easterly along said Northerly boundary and the Northerly boundaries of Lots No. 1-4-A2 through 4-1-A8, a distance of 333 feet to its Intersec tion with the Easterly boundary of Lot No. 1-4-A8; Thence Southerly along said Easterly boundary a distance of 120 ztz feet to Its intersection with tht Northerly street boundary of Lincoln Street; Thence Easterly along said Northerly street boundary a distance of 140 feet to its intersection with tht Westerly street boundary of Stella-Ireland Road; Thenct Southerly across Lincoln street a distance of 40 feet to tht point of beginning.

AREA NO. Beginning at a point on tht Easterly street boundary of Rugby Road at Its intersection with tht Northerly boundary of Lot No. 1-5-A11; Thenct Easterly along said Northerly boundary a distance of 172 feet to its intersection with the Easterly boundary of Lot No. 1-5-A11; Thence Southerly along said Easterly boundary and the Easterly boundaries of Lots No. 1-5-A10, A9, and A8, a distance of 318 feet to Its Intersection with the Southerly boundary of Lot No.

1-5-A8; Thence Westerly along said Southtrly boundary and tht Southerly boundaries of Rugby Road and Lot No. 1-5-A7, a distance of 330 feet to its intersection with tht boundary between tht village of Johnson City on the West end tht Town of Dickinson on tnt East; Thenct Northerly along said boundary a distance of 283 feet to Its Intersec tion with tht Northerly boundary of Lot No. 1-5-A4: Thence Easterly along said Northerly boundary a distanct of 175 feet to its intersection with the Westerly street boundary ot Rugby Road; Thence Northeasterly across Rugby Road a distance of 60 feet to th point of beginning. AREA NO. 3 Beginning at point on the Northerly street boundary of Deyo Hill Road at its intersection with th Westerly street boundary of Stella-Ireland Road; Thence Northerly along said Westerly street boundary a distance of 286 feet to its intersection with the Southerly boundary of Lot No.

1-5-A92; Thence Westerly along said Southerly boundary and the Southerly boundaries Of LOIS NO. 1-5-A93, A94, A9S, A96, A97 and A98 a distance of 674 feet to its intersection with the Westerly boundary Ot Lot NO. 1-5-A98; Thenc Northerly along said Westerly boundary a distance ot 175 feet to Its intersection with the Southerly street boundary of J. T. Boulevard; Thenc Westerly along said Southerly street boundary a distance of 12 feet to lis Intersection with tht boundary bt-tween th Village of Johnson City on tht West and tht Town pf Dickinson on tht East; Thenct Northerly along tald boundary a distance of 165 feet to Its Intersection with the Westerly boundary of Lot No.

1-5-A242; Thenc Northerly along said Westtrly boundary a distance of 118 feet to Its Intersection with 'the Northerly boundary of Lot No. 1-5-A242; Thence Easterly along said Northerly boundary a distance of 38 feet to Its intersection with th Westerly boundary Of Lot No. 1-5-A213; Thence Northerly along said Westerly boundary and the westerly boundaries of Lois No. 1-5-A214 through 1-5-A223 a distance of 740 feet to Its Intersection with the Southerly boundary of Lot No. Thence Westerly along tald Southtrly boundary a distance of 92 feet to Its Interjection with th Westerly boundary of Lot No.

1-5-1; Thnc Northerly along said Westerly boundary and the Westerly boundaries of Lot No. 1-5-1-SI and 1-1 distance of 370 feet to Its Intersection with tht boundary between tha Town Union PUBLIC AUCTION SALE Wednesday, Sept. 20, 7 P. M. MOYLE'S AUCTION HOUSE 316 Chaumont Endwell "FINAL SALE" EVERYTHING MUST GO 1M I Lent furniture climes; 51 furniture tollies, leslrtbl It any heavy tutr Business.

100 foldlni seats antf chairs; tet tracks, iter Islands; shilylnsi battery charger, heavy duly type. Acetylene tank; air congltlenina; work benches; vise; pans ttelneti; evertieat git (letters; metal lackers. Teels of all kinds. Office desks; typewriter; adding machine; tape recorder; tables; ttc. cekt dispenser machine, perfect.

Cigarette machine; Dodge track, appliance track. Very fin consignment ef modtrn furniture, Flw enliqutg mixed I. This 11 ll lor evtryone. We will eiptcling you. AL MOYLE, Auctioneer 748-7416 A..

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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.