Bismarck Gazette from Bismarck, Missouri (2024)

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eieeMesnoeeestsiMllEHMEIIIHtlfi i888ea aae 88888888888188 a t8 a i mt UX RANKCLAY NEWS EXCHANGE ITEMS 10000 that day Mrs Ella Glore pub ROM THE big two get more ESSENTIAL BANKING SERVICES MM tK RM Witt or ull Service Oanklng Belgrade State Bank THIS1 SEZXItAIS iO Phone 776 2415 or Limited Time Only I STORE BAYS CALEDONIA MISSOURI SAHMU After three years of planning the plans for the expansion and renovation of the Bonne Terre Hospital has been approved by the State and ederal authorities The opening and blds for the let ting of the contracts was scheduled for May 31st Construction Is to Include 40 new bed patient bed spaced in a new concept of a semi private room which gives the patient most of the advantages of a private room In this type room each bed has its own toilet and lavatory with a sliding wall separating the beds when privacy is desired Ten of the new bed spaces will be equipped for intensive care including monitoring equipment A completely new kitchen and dining rooms are also Included in the plans The new dining be Saturday June pm please plan licity chairman NOT THISI starring In the Municipal will be David Holliday as the American boy who Marla Alan Castner as leader of the American the Jets Carmine Terra The merchants organization of the lat River Developers inc have begun a $50000 drive to purchase surface and light free public parking space for 250 cars A report made on the project on May 17th a total of $13059 had been pledged by fourteen busi ness firms The deadline for the drive was set as of May 31st and it was the general opinion that the total amount would be raised by that time The PN Hlrsch Company have announced that they will open their 157th store In Ironton The risco Railroad expects to begin operation on its Keysvllle Bulck branch as far as viburnum by July 1st ull operation over the entire branch line is expected to begin early next year when In full operation the risco Company expects to receive about $2000000 In revenue Principal revenue will be from the St Joe mines at Viburnum and the truck rail transfer point for its let cher mine INEST RUBBER BASE PAINT TWO: We help when you need money with convenient low cost bonk loons for any worthwhile purpose ONI: We help you manage your money with interest bearing Savings Accounts and Checking Accounts for all needs Regular 660 Value (Mfgt US Mm) BY Bank by Man We Pay Postage Both Ways areas will be served by a cafeteria line and ambulatory patients will be permitted and encouraged to go to the dining room for their meals A new one story administrative area Including new lobby chapel vending cafeteria and general office is also Included in the plans Receipts from the lat River parking meters amounted to $4970 for a slx months period there also were 220 arrests and fines in the amount of $1276 were leveled in the municipal court The wills of the late GC Vandover and his wife Eva I Van dover have been filed in the probate Court in armington The estate of Eva Vandover is valued at $264269 Her estate was One Thousand Dollars more than her husband who had bequeathed his estate to her Her John is the beneficiary of her will and also is the executor GRANITEVILLE NEWS By MRS AE CLEMONDS past four seasons The action filled plot is a re telling of "Romeo and Juliet" against a background of New York teeming tenement areas where racial tensions be tween Puerto Ricans and Amer icans in the tawdry slum stre ets supplants the rivalry of Mo ntagues and Capulets "West Side Story" features an exciting musical score by Leo nard Bernstein book by Arthur Laurents and Ivrlcs by Stephen Sondheim well known songs in the score are "Maria" "Tonight" "I eel "Somewhere" and "Gee offi cer Krupke" Ticket orders specifying date and price of tickets may be ob tained by mail and In person at all Municipal Opera ticket of fices in the st Louis area Ma il orders should be sent to Mu nicipal Theatre orest Park St Louis Missouri 63112 ac companied by remittance and self addressed stamped envelope for return of tickets Ticket pr ices are Box Seats $450 ir st 12 rows $350 Next 12 rows $250 Next 24 rows $175 Re maining Rows $100 Info On Army Corps "Where can you nnd young women who agree? In The Army Corps" The WACs will gell you theirs is the best job going and they will tell you why or Instance the WAC Detachment is like a college dorm always something fun to do and some body to do It with And no room and board to pay your money is all yours for clothes a new car whatever You gain all kinds of valuable job experiences because theUS Army is big business It does things in a big way Its stim ulating An Army post is so mething special Its really a small city flUed with people of different personalities and ex periences yet with a mutal in the Army And where ver in the world the Army goes and it goes all over be "at home" simple when Ar my you belong If you're 13 to 25 single and a high school graduate you mi ght want to share this feeling ind out more by contacting yo ur local Army Recruiters They are Williams and Sanford located at 1 South ranklin st reet in armington Missouri Their office is open from 8 am to 5 pm Monday thru riday and from 9am to 12 pm on Saturdays please feel free to come In at any time wi thout any obligation New! STALEY SATIN LAT LATEX HDDI makes painting a ft PLEASURE NOT a chore MOBILE HOMES Hwy 32 armington Mo wlKmL8 Clemonds vlslte1 an day in Belleview Lucy Rencehausen and John hlsJ Saturday "'Cht with the Clemonds He was on selle but daHrtJn Gospel Tabernacle Singing Convention at Ro Mr getting started so did not go on Ond Arden Clemonds and family of Gillispie Illinois dmmle Clemonds and family of St Louis visited cleaning Jonle Clemonds and Arch They did some faft LhI emKtery ln where their mother and father are burled John and Grace Clemonds Thev ba11 Same ln Graniteville last Sunday afternoony 8 eood but we dld not hear who the winners were Clarence Shrum of Graniteville was very sick and entered in! wiwary 8 in Ironton on Monday He been feel ho if We hopo he have to stay too long in the hospital and will be up and around again soon ln Belleview on Monday Everyone seems to be glad they don have to be out catching the school bus All they have for awhile is enjoy their vacation which very long Mias Lora Tolleson was in Graniteville last Monday She has been spending a few days with Mrs Maude Vlgnoux Her home is at Holden Mo and Mrs wm Crocker are the proud parents of a baby gin oorn in Madison Memorial Hospital in redericktown Mo Sno nas been named Mary Teresa Visitors with Mrs Anna Ramsey last Sunday were Mr and Mrs John Breltenstlen and children Mr and Mrs Larry Williams and baby of Pacific Mo are vi siting here with home folks Mrs Alice Clemonds was In armington last Tuesday with her mother Mrs Lucy Rencehausen and John of Belleview Clemond Monument and Dealers have been very busy all week finishing setting their monuments for Memorial Day which is only a few days away EAST ORK NEWS BfJOHNNY LKWT Mr Clarence Hughes of St Louis visited one day the past week with his brother in law DO Light and family Several of the folks from the Valley attended the Rose City Rides Carnival Saturday night Light rain fell Sunday and Sunday night but Rose City Rides had beautiful nights last week as it was fair most of the week They were at the iron county fair grounds this year other years have been cool or cold and threatening as most everyone knows Today Monday is cloudy and threatening and looks like thunderforms In the offing We might add that George Greenia is making his round with his Sno Cone machine in Bismarck this morning Mr Elmer Ray Light of Columbia Mrs Charley arris and Mr and Mrs Ervin Light and son Jake Jr of St Louis all vi sited with their father JE Light and brother Henry during the weekend Elmer came in a couple days early and helped with somePring seeding with tho boat built in labor aavors a paint over had WELCH BROTHERS ROTARY DRILLING CO WALTER WELL DRILLING PUMP SALES AND SERVICE Phone PL 6 5781 armington Mo Side Will Open St Louis Municipal Opera Season June 5 ST Maria Alber ghettl stage screen and televi sion star will head the cast as St Louis Municipal Opera opens its 49th annual season Monday June 5 with a return engage ment of "West side story" the Leonard Bernstein classic musi cal play This will be Miss first appearance at the orest Park theatre she will be featured In the role of Marla a Puerto Rican girl who falls In love with an American boy from a rival New York gang West Side sto ry" win run through Sunday June 18 with nightly performan ces at 845 pm CDT In the 12000 seat amphitheatre in orest pa nt Also Opera Tony loves Riff gang as Bernardo leader of the Pu erto Rican gang the sharks and Carolyn Morris as Anita his fiery Puerto Rican girl fri end other members of the out standing cast are Carolyn Dyer Dan Morgan Clifford pellow John Randolph Jones John Tor mey Don Tango Richard Gra nat Paul Charles Alan McCar ter Tod Miller Bob Lukas Jo Jo smith and Bill! Vitali Miss Alberghettl was a child operatic prodigy In her native Italy she and her family came to the United states after world War II and she made her New York debut at Carnegie Hall at 13 in 1961 she was the recipi ent of the coveted Antoinette Perry Award as the 3est Actress on Broadway tor her musical debut performance in in 1961 Mr Holliday is repeating the role he had in the 1963 Muni cipal Opera production of "West Side the same part he played with the London company for 3 12 years Carolyn Mor ris singer dancer and choreo grapher has been featured with the peter Gennaro Dancers on the perry Como Show for the By MRS ELLA GLORE 88811888801 WimQaaaW ftA Mr and Mrs Henry Lashley are remodeling the Dr and Mrs Aubuchow property that they bought several months ago Mr Sylvan Bradley of Irondale was in town on business Monday Mrs Royce Whitt visited Thursday evening with her aunt Mrs Lula House Mr and Mrs Melvin Parker were Thursday supper guests oi Mr and Mrs Jack Gwinn of Hillsboro Rev and Mrs Henry Hefner filled their 4th Sunday appoint ment at the Hopewell church A cradle shower was given Mrs chariot Lewis of st Louis at the Methodist church here Saturday night May 27th at 730 pm Mrs Lewis was Miss chariot Barton prior to her marriage daughter of Mr and Mrs Jewell Barton of here Mrs Vernon mother who fell and broke her hip 5 months ago Is not doing very good at this time The Methodist church that Is being remodeled is progressing very nicely and will be done In another week or 10 days Mr Ira 11 Rasnlck and brother Mr James Rasnlck of Gumbo and their sisters Mrs Ella Glore and Mrs Ethel sm ith taken lunch and spent a few hours at the sunlight Cemetery cleaning up their parents Mr and Mrs Marion Rasnlck graves Mr and Mrs Billie Lawson an little son are redoing the property of his late parents Mr and Mrs Luther prop erty that they have purchased and will move In In the next week or 10 days A get to gether family dinner of the late Mr John Benoist and Mrs Eva Benoist at the latters home Sunday May 28th were her children Mr and Mrs Kyle Boyer of Michigan Mr and Mrs Hubert Ross and Mr and Mrs JA Jolly and son of Ill inois Mr and Mrs Charles Benoist of lat River Mr and Mrs TE Benoist and son Michael and Mr and Mrs James Benoist and Tommy Ray Benoist of st Louis Mr Eugene Denton supplied the pulpit Sunday morning ser vice as the pastor Rev and Mrs nefner filled their appoint ment at the Hopewell Church Mr and Mrs CT Gamble and family of potosi Mr and Mrs Lester Wilson and son of lat River and Mr and Mrs Donald Beers and family of here were Sunday guests of their parents Mr and Mrs LM Wilson and Miss Betty Mrs Lewis Akers will go back Thursday to the Drs Building in st Louis for farther check ups Rev and Mrs Henry Hefner were Sunday afternoon guests of Mr and Mrs Ira Jennings of armington and later at the home of Mrs Ella Glore The rankclay Methodist church Is giving a chili and soup dinner at which there will also be a rummage sale to help pay for the remodeling of the church which Is now in progress A bowl of chill or soup a piece of pie or cake and coffee or tea will be sold for fifty cents Hamburgers will also be sold Anyone wishing to purchase a ticket In advance may contact Mrs Blanche Lawson who is the chairman of the fund raising committee or any other member of the church Any donations either in cash labor or rummage would be greatly appreciated The sale will the third beginning at eleven am until seven to attend on ONE COAT GUARANTEED! DRIPS LESS hom*oGENIZED! EASY NO MUSS NO USS! COMPLETELY SCRUBBABLE! COLORS THE YEAR! NOW! DO A WHOLE ROOM IN MINUTES! WALLS WOODWORK MASONRY METAL STALEY IS THE QUALITY LAYEX THAT COSTS LESS QKirb GUY IJWiUW In ii I I flask vaMMWM MMf 3 St' lEk i I 3 I I I I fl I 1 I Ik I I I a HTt ci 5 I ww' 1 Mi wt 1 aMBIBBi a II 1 il I Tftum Sauk In Highway District Radio Network Two contracts totaling $426221 have been awarded to expand the Missouri State Highway Depart radio network into three highway districts in Scothern Mi ssouri The awards were made to the lowest bidders by the State Hi ghway Commission during Its regular May meeting In Jeff erson city The districts cov ered by the contracts are head quartered at Joplin Springfield and Sikeston A contract for $410910 was aw arded to Motorola Communicat ions and Electronics Inc of Chicago for supplying radio eq uipment radio antenna towers emergency power plants and mo bile radio units for use in ve hicles The only other bidder was General Electric co of Lynchburg Va A contract for $15311 was aw arded to Herbert Herndon Con tractors of Camdenton for con structing eight buildings which will be used to house the radio equipment ive other bids were submitted for constructing the buildings When work Is completed on these contracts It means that all districts in which there are Interstate System highways then will be served by the radio net work The communications sys tem already Is in operation In the St Joseph Kansas City Je fferson city and Kirkwood dis tricts The radio network which being established In conmctlon with the office of civil Ddeue is designed to provide more ef ficiency in highway maintenance operations both during routine times and in periods of emer gencies such as snowatorms and floods The network is available for use by civil defense auth orities whenever necessary Towns at which radio equip ment buildings will be const ructed are jerico springs Av illa Ridgeley Strafford Bran son lat Bell City and Ward ell Sites whsre both towers and radio equipment will be instal led are jerico Springs (285 foot tower) Avilla (265 foot to wer) JopUn (160 foot tower) Rl dgelay (150 foot tower) spring field (120 foot tower) Stafford (265 foot tower Branson (150 foot tower) lat (300 foot tower) Sikeston (100 foct' tower) Bell City (265 foot to wer) and Wardell (150 foot to wer) Sites where only radio equip ment will be Installed are Ur ich Macks creek Taurn Sauk and poplar Bluff The three remaining highway districts Into which the radio network wilt be expanded In the future are Macon Hannibal and Willow Springs Bids are expect ed to be asked by the state Highway Commission on that wo rk late this year or early next year 1 Major Wheat Policy Meeting William Marshall chair man Missouri Agricultural st abilization and Conservation st ate committee today announced that an Informal hearing on the 1968 wheat allotment will be he ld in Columbia Missouri early in June The meeting one of a series being scheduled in wheat pro ducing areas throughout the Na ation will be held on June I in the Tiger Hotel Ballroom Columbia Missouri The cha irman of the State ASG Comm ittee will preside and winat pro gram specialists will participate A major goal of the meeting will be to get Information and sugg estions from those In attendance and bring them back in Wash ington to assist Secretary ree man In making the 1968 wheat acreage allotment determinatio ns Although the wheat program is voluntary farmers who erate most of the wheat land elect to take part In the wheat program and thus assure them selves of full parity price on the wheat they produce for food use tn the US The program al so protects farmers to some ex tent against the effects of bad weather "A great many factors must be taken Into account in estab lishing acreage and production goals for a major crop like wheat" the Chairman pointed out "Such things as projected pr oduction and supplies domestic utilization and export require ments and reasonable carryov er must be considered before final decisions can be made on next wheat The chairman said special In vitations are being sent to le ading wheat growers and lead ers of general farm organiza tions as well as representat ives of such organizations as wheat producers elevator and warehouse operators millers and other Interested producer marketing and processor groups in addition area farmers are also Invited to attend and part icipate In these policy meetings Similar meetings will be held throughout the major wheat pro ducing areas of the county Methodist Church Services Sunday school 9:15 am Church services 1030am MY 600 pm Story Hour 600 pm WSCS The June meeting will be the 2nd Tuesday (lth) for this month only Bible School will be June 5th through 9th VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL METHODIST CHURCH June 5th through 9th Time 6:00 pm 8:30 pm Ages 4 years through Junior High purpose To strengthen each chi relationship to God Open to children of all denomi nations New Manager Black River Cooperative Vertis Ambrose 43 staff assistant to the manager of the west River Electric Associat ion In wall south Dakota was hired May 12 as manager for the Black River Electric cooperat ive He is to begin his duties June 1 In the offices of Black River at redericktown Lawrence Standley has been se rving as manager of the Coop erative since the resignation of Kenneth Hill who accepted a position with the REA In Wash ington The is the largest ex porter of farm products ac counting for more than a fifth of the total THE BISMARCK GAZETTE page 3 June 1 1967 Al Year Service for Al! Yui Dwi Vftilant when Health la in the Balance In the battle against illness our registered pharmacists quicklju accurately compound your doctor! prescription Ouv protection you can count on us fpr meticulous care and precision rs DRUG STORE ftaBM: Day PB 44m Kita WS Ma rn 'W 1 MR.

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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.